How to Use #chatgpt in a High School Math Class

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In this video, I explore how I would use ChatGPT if I were a math teacher. We tend to focus a lot of the conversation about AI and ChatGPT around cheating but I that misses the powerful way that AI can help improve conceptual understanding of a hard math concept. Will it replace direct instruction? No way. Is it the ultimate solution? Nope. But it is yet another powerful tool that we can use for personalized learning.
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I've been using chatgpt this summer and fall to help in my study of multivariable calculus since the subject requires a strong imagination and the ability to visualize 3-dimensional (and sometimes higher) spaces! While studying concepts, I would generally tell it what I had just finished studying and what I was now studying. Then I would tell it what part I was confused about and ask it to explain. I would look at the response and often I would just rephrase what I thought it was saying and say, "Here's what I think you're saying, and here's how I'm conceptualizing it. Is this accurate?" When you tell it the process you're using to understand, and ask it direct yes or no questions about whether you're understanding correctly, it seems to do a pretty good job of either confirming that you're understanding is accurate or if you've maybe misunderstood something.


Could students use it to complete their homework?
