Salome, Herodias, Lot's Wife, John's head, and images of the Great Flood: Bible for Children, 1973

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Reflecting on a book I had growing up, the Bible for Children as retold by Bridget Hadaway and Jean Atcheson -- and some of the images and stories which might definitely be very disturbing to children, and to grown men and women!

I had no idea back in the early 1970s that the stories of the Bible can be shown to be based on celestial metaphor. Today I can show with abundant evidence that the figures and events described in these texts are based upon specific constellations and heavenly cycles. They are esoteric, and not literal -- designed to convey profound truths for our benefit, and to do so through myth.

These ancient stories, in common with ancient myth and sacred traditions given to cultures around the world, have as a central theme the illustration of our condition of alienation from Self -- and the pathway back to reconciliation with and recovery of Self.

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Mathisen you have no idea how impactful your videos have been to me.


thank you so much gifted man with vision


Bravo, read one of your books, can't wait to read the rest.


Thank you for sharing all of this great information! This has led me to seek even further -Have you read "Gospel in the Stars" by a Lutheran minister Joseph A Seiss?


First, THANKS for bringing this Important issue forward here. Raised "Southern" Baptist as a child, I also had this book however a later ed., in fact I used to look through it often because it was artistically captivating and brought those stories to Life (for better or worse). One dangerous aspect of the flood scene is that it kind of creates early acceptance of "collateral damage". If I recall correctly, that is how it was explained to me; that the World (in general) was so very wicked and had turned so far from "true faith" that god wiped the slate clean. You are ABSOLUTELY correct that these early literalist stories/depictions (even in sermon) create a potentially Dangerous Society. I do not think itvis limited to Protestant religion in the least, but it absolutely is not exempt from these slow poisons, you have demonstrated here. I'll strengthen your case by saying We Know that children are more fascinated by Images than words early on (see above in my case), so this makes "atrocious" graphic literalist materials all the more poisonous for the youngest children. One thing, I was always taught that the Rainbow was a promise to never flood Earth again so i was never worried for my own young life. Thanks again for your research. I had never really reflected upon this until now.


My family had that same Bible and I would read it cover to cover. But the children's book I really loved was American Heritage Children"s Dictionary. It had a yellow cover and at the first page for every letter there was an illustration of how out alphabet formed from Phoenician letters. To this day I'm kinda obsessed with making Tarot cards map to letters as well as constellations.


As above, so below. The stories written in the stars are played out here in this realm.


Interesting that you have brought this subject up on the day of a solar eclipse in Gemini which is square to Neptune: Gemini symbolically involves interpretation and Neptune possible mis-interpretation. I was planning to to post the eclipse chart with an image of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland-'Off with her head'! Thank you for the further insight.


I'm confused to how Lot's wife is portrayed as 'Sagittarius'
I always thought she would've been represented as Virgo and Lot being Bootes.


Religion = Box
Each Box has a door, each door has a different shape. Each person has to either conform to the door shape to fit in the box or find another box with a shape they will fit. Some boxes have no windows, no way to see outside the box, therefore you are stuck with only knowing what goes on inside that box. Anything that does not fit the shape of the door does not penetrate the box and is therefore deemed wrong. Each box believes their box is the best and only true box. I pray for a day we step out of all the boxes and practice loving everyone.


I am a so happy to discover you! I am fascinated by this subject. I humbly submit this Bible story is neatly illustrated in Perseus, Cassiopeia and Cepheus. Perseus, as reimagined as a dancing figure by H.A. Rey, is Solome, holding the star Algol seen as a head in Greek myth. And, Cassiopeia the queen plays the mother and Cepheus the King is Herod. What do you think?


@9:09 "Aquarius" you say is John the Baptist who lost his head because he wouldn't stop talking. I use 'Say It Backwards', a free app for my cell, using the words "Say You Will Talk" played backwards will say "Aquarius", using the one riding an Ass, Sagittarius and the month it shares with Ophiuchus, December, it reveals more of the story by using the words "Her Message Say There Is A Guest Sacred Aether", in reverse it says "Ophiuchus Sagittarius December", Ophiuchus the 13th zodiac sign, has always been hidden within Scorpio, "Wise Folk" played backwards says Scorpio, Ophiuchus is associated with Asclepius, an ancient physician who grew so skilled in the craft of healing that he was able to restore the dead to life. The heart star of the scorpion is Antares, use the words "She Raise Dead" to say Antares. If you get a Babylonian Star-map by Glavin White, you'll see the "Guest" hanging off the back of Pabilsag (Sagittarius) the Zababa (Apkallu) and Ur-Zababa appointed Sargon of Akkad as his cup-bearer (Aquarius). Sargon (Scorpion King) was later the ruler of the Akkadian Empire.
The words "They All Rule" will say Orion. If you ask I'll I might reveal more of this story


Any interpretation of the astrology of Seven Bowls/ plagues of Revelation 16? And the seven trumpets?


Have a look at John Chrysostom vs John the Baptist!!!


Have you seen the "God-code 188" channel on here Matt?1 its brilliant! Look at series 1-4 at the bottom of videos on the God-code 188" channel!


I remember the Jack Chick comic books of my childhood VERY vividly. Not just the small ones, but the large ones which were graphic and in color. This was one part of the religious trauma I sustained as a child.


I think you are super awesome with you explanations of star myths, but please understand it's not a globe. ...not exactly sure what it is but definitely not a globe. Examine the physics of water.
