Black Christmas (1974): Billy Rocks Claire

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Billy defines the whole "I escaped from the mental institution but don't worry I'm not insane just highly homicidal" killer vibe.


It’s scenes like this and one of his calls that make me think Billy somehow isn’t in control of his actions and doesn’t want to be doing this


Just imagine finding your daughter like this...


I always wondered why Billy sounds depressed during this scene? I mean considering that he's a crazy maniac who's got no qualms committing murder you'd think he'd feel happy about his actions but nope he sounds depressed as if he's having second thoughts about what he's doing.


This scene pretty much confirms that Billy isn't in control of his murderous actions considering that he sounds sad while rocking Clare's corpse on that rocking chair.


Honestly I find Billy so adorable, I feel so bad for him he’s in such distress and clearly he has sessions of mental torment (I hope that made sense 😅). He’s just clearly a disturbed mind and he probably isn’t even aware of what he doing, to an extent of course after all he did kill that police officer but maybe in his mind he just thought that murder was an efficient way to get rid of a problem and the police officer was a problem? Maybe it’s normalised in his head. Either way his little itty bitty voice and his phone calls, especially the one at the start of the film, make me adore him xx 💚

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a horror film antagonist who’s mental health and unsettled state of mind is portrayed like Billy’s has been done, if that makes sense xx

I’m not the biggest fan of the film, entirely, but I do like Billy a lot xx


This movie was directed by Bob Clark who at the time before this directed another Christmas classic movie A Christmas story which that one was a family film when this one is a Horror Slasher Film the character of Billy I feel like he is very twisted, and psychological you wonder what's going on in his head there was even a scene where you see him freak out when he killed the people in the attic as if he didn't wanna do it maybe he can hear voices in his head that tell him to do things!


Did anyone pick up on what the hell he was saying?
