AC Basics Inductors in AC Circuits

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How inductors act in AC circuits.

Here is the video on capacitors in AC Circuits:


Wow, almost 60 years since I dealt with this stuff - and I still (sort of) remember it! HA! Thank you sir, well done! :)


in my journey of electronics I learn from comparing components what they do and what will gonna happens .
and I'm thankful teaching electronics fundamentals online so opportunity to learn online it's blessing for me and everyone to learn electronics for different purposes they love


Great one, Bob. I hope you replay the videos that show the RCL circuits in series, and parallel, as well!


Sir: Might I humbly request that you you label each of your curves on graphs - e.g., i (sub-C or L), v (sub-C or L), etc. _ my old eyes don't detect the colors so well, nor does my feeble memory remember which is which). Again though, well done, and many thanks for making your videos. You shall be duly rewarded!
cheers, jt 8-)


My mind is blown to learn that voltage can be pushing in one direction and current can be flowing in the opposite direction on the same wire and at the same time. Also, I noticed that as current went up, voltage went down, but I'm not sure how this can be since it seems to contradict ohms law, where when voltage increases, current also increases. What am I missing here? And also in other videos you said that in order to have current flow there must be resistance and voltage. How then can there be more current with less voltage?


if inductor voltage =Ldi/dt and V-source =Ldi/dt, then why do the inductor and source voltages have phase differences as shown in the graphs @ time 19:58 It doesn't appear that V-source=Ldi/dt at all, and yet the equation V-source=Ldi/dt is used to derive the current through inductor. Totally confusing.


Ok but Xc=-1(2*Pi*C*F) is not very linear.


Your coverage of inductors was faster than your coverage of capacitors, for some reason(s) . This is unfortunate. For example to prove my point, with capacitors you went through much details and you spent much time doing the graphs of voltage and current. Then you showed the graphs when capacitor was the Source in detail. However, with Inductors, you simply said I will change colors on the capacitors 's graphs ! You shouldn't have done that, in my view, because these 2 "rascals" are problematic because of the confusing nature of these electrical components and it takes a lot of details to show beginning students, that these 2 problematic components can be mastered with some careful explanations. And you did that detailed coverage with capacitors but you did a mortal sin when you began with Inductors, as most Math teachers often do in calculus coverage of some topics. Math teachers will often say, "Oh, the rest of this solution is obvious and never show the many steps why it is indeed "obvious" !

So I give you a C grade instead of a A grade.

You tried and you were doing great and then you either got tired or bored with the subject matter, and you ended up getting an average score.

Maybe, next topics in AC or transistor circuits, you'll get much better grades.

I know teaching electronics or higher level math topics is not easy, but if done with care and all steps are laid out, where clear understanding is attempted, that the students gains incredible insights and long term understandings and real learning is gained for all students.

At this time, I am now reminded of a math modern major topic known as " Linear Algebra".

Most run of the mill, math teachers do a mediocre job at explaining the mysterious but very important modern math topics with matrices, determinants when solving large numbers of simultaneous system equations. However, trying to understand how to work with large matrices and eigen values and eigen functions is very confusing to beginning technical students and even math majors. Math majors learn how to do the mechanics in getting answers but have no idea what it all means !!!

Even MIT professors can't clearly explain what Linear Algebra really all means !

Then comes along some YouTube teacher showing Linear Algebra using graphical pictures and it all becomes clear why a student needs to know Linear Algebra and why one uses the methods and the "mechanics" typical done by math majors and others using Linear Algebra techniques.

The name of this YouTube teacher goes by I think, "3 Blue 2 Brown" .

This teacher goes very fast in his presentations, but his graphical methods go a long way to get a good understanding why a technical person or math major follows math steps to get solutions to large matrices containing system equations to model various complicated systems relating to complex electrical systems or complex mechanical systems or any complicated system that uses linear equations to describe that system's functionality and you want to know how stable it will be under various excitations or forcing functions chosen by the system designer(s).

In conclusion, explaining ALL the steps, in a slow manner, should be considered important thing to do so all students gain a deep and clear understanding of the subject matter being discussed by a teacher. If steps are skipped or left to the beginning student to try to figure out, then don't be amazed that most students get low understanding and then low grades.

We saw this phenomenon during the 2 year COVID 19 crisis, where the Teachers Union told the CDC that children had to learn with using a computer App.

We should not be shocked that all the 4th graders in an upstate city all the students Failed math, reading and English tests !

Teachers Union shoved a bad policy on all students and an entire generation of young students will pay the price for a Teacher Union horrible, selfish policy foisted upon a vulnerable young children who could not fight back against this political group that has gotten worse since the 1970's.

All they want is more money and benefits but don't want to be accountable for what parents and society demand that children are properly taught the basics so they can succeed in life and not end up in prison because they could not read and write or do basic math.

Good teachers are necessary because society excels when people are well educated !

Good luck on next electrical topics.

