Let's Talk...

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I know I'm a bit late, but thank you for 50,000, it means a lot to me.


Songs Used
Pokemon: Black and White | "Undella Town" | Prod. Fulmo
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I'm sorry that the Valkyr video is (again) delayed. I felt I needed to make a channel update to let everyone know whats happening. Truth is I'm a bit burnt out on continuously making the same kind of videos for Warframe. So I've decided to put the main series on a longer schedule while I make other videos that I've been wanting to make for Warframe in between that time. I hope you can understand.


As the singular Valkyr main left, I forgive you


its best to rest if you feel burnt out take break and come back refreshed :D


Good stuff. 10ish years of spinning as a Valkyr main and I've finally been broken by incarnons. I remember my friends getting angry at me for never switching off valkyr while we were farming prosecutors for beacons, made a point to force the meme ever since. Keep pushing out bangers on your own time.


Valkitty's delayed? Oh well! I'll just have to binge your other content :P
Seriously, you make great content, I love it so much. Very detailed, a bunch of work in it, etc.


Good job sir. I liked your content reviewing the history of warframe


Honestly do what is best for you man. I came across this channel due to the frost video and I've enjoyed these analysis on not only how the frame is now but the history within the game. Doing weapons and how they change would be an awesome addition and if you get tired don't worry about it because you got an audience that will always return.


Any videos you create are full of passion and care for the subject - and i and many others come for that, and I feel a bunch of content creators forget that we come more for them than a specific theme!
I do at least. I played this game since 2016-17, and would love to see more of the history videos! But, to be honest, anything from you!


You always cook something up that i can enjoy and/or fall asleep to and I deeply want to thank you for that!


The amount of care you have for your videos is astonishing, other creators wouldn't really care about their videos and just keep on pumping for the sake of it. You actively pumping the breaks to ensure quality. I'm glad we still have someone with integrity.


Well, this is understandable, and really i think i preffere that there goes more time between the larger essays, the quality already felt pretty high, but this idéer of taking more time so that the quality remains consistent is a win in my book. Its also great to hear that you are making choices for your health, so yeah, i think im going to be happy with this.


Congrats on 50k subscribers! As a relatively new Warframe player (I've only been playing for a little over one year) I find it really interesting to learn about the evolution of the game and all its aspects. Keep up the good work! :)


it's understandable to be burned out, I can't even imagine how much work and how much effort it takes to make such amazing content! Keep up the good work and do what you need to do stay healthy and happy, love your content and I really enjoy everything


Excellent. Keep making any and all information. I will gladly enjoy anything and everything you have to school us about. I enjoy all forms of your content. Please don't burn yourself out.


Congrats on hitting the awesome milestone of 50, 000 subscribers! That's a huge testament to your dedication and effort!Your hard work and creativity have truly paid off, and it’s been amazing to watch your growth!
Keep playing what you like, because for me, it's also what i Like


Highkey the reason i got back into warframe, keep up the good work boss


Congrats on 50k subs bro, you deseve it :))


No rush, we love all the content you put out. Sometimes it's a good thing to learn not to be afraid to do the things we want to do, if it means it'll be better for us in the long run.


I love your channel and have been following you since around 10-13k subs if my memory tracks (Prime Access has a problem) and I've loved all your content both overviews and Warframe vids. They're always so inciteful and tell the story of times I have missed out on since I started around the time of Zariman. Keep up the good work, no matter the type of video.


I'm sure this approach to putting out content you want to work on in the moment will be not only better sustain for your channel but also keep you enjoying what you do. I can only imagine the stress of working on such a large project for months not knowing how long it's going to take, if you'll get bored, or if the video will do as well as it deserves. Looking forward to the new channel structure.
