The Truth About al-Masih ad-Dajjal The Ultimate Deceiver |Omer Suleiman #shorts #islam #allah

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●Allah will protect as The Fitna of Masihul-dajal ●

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Please brothers and sisters protect yourself in Islam, the Quran and the sunnah from dajjal. Dajjal is a being but also has a culture and a social system, music, naked clothing and poor manners. Please please dont follow him in what is haram. Stay away from all these things. And i also advice myself on the same. May ALLAH subhana wa taa’la protect us all against these innovations and haram and grant us patience and heaven to us all.


Where do you guys get this stuff from❤ please let me know cuz I've never heard about this garbage in Islam❤ anybody that knows all I would never claim that❤
