The Art of Being With: A Dance/Movement Therapy Moment

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"For 35 years he lived a life of isolation… his movements were quite limited … he never spoke … he made no eye contact … and he certainly didn’t dance! So how was I, a dance/movement therapist, going to work with this man? How was I going to enter into his world and invite him into mine?" ~Jody Wager

Jody Wager, MS, BC-DMT is the Director of the Expressive Therapy Department at Dominion Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia. She has been a dance/movement therapist since 1980, after receiving her Masters Degree from Hunter College in NYC. She has worked primarily in psychiatric hospitals throughout the greater metropolitan DC area, but also maintains a private practice in massage therapy. She has studied many forms of dance, yoga, Pilates, meditation, art, writing, mindfulness, psychodrama and guided imagery, all of which inform her approach to dance therapy. The philosophy that guides her work is that the relationship between the body and the mind is inseparable and that we can’t treat one without the other. She conducts workshops and teaches classes on dance/movement therapy, expressive therapy, massage therapy and embodiment at various conferences and training sites throughout the United States. Most recently she has begun teaching within the art therapy graduate program of George Washington University on the topics of working with trauma in the body and becoming a more embodied psychotherapist. She is currently serving as the President of the American Dance Therapy Association.
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I think far too often people don't understand the value of just sitting and being with like Jody said. You're presence is powerful and this talk highlighted that.


Attunement is a very powerful tool for a dance therapist, and even more important for a client who does not have a wide range of movement and who does not speak. This dance therapist does a great job of using breathing and walking to attune to her client and let him lead her. She made a connection with him without every having a verbal conversation, making movement all the more important to helping him.


It was so heart warming when you said he extended his hand out for a handshake and even said his name! I can’t imagine how he must’ve felt being in the hospital for 35 years. Thank you Jody for being so patient and doing good in the world! I absolutely love your speech.


I like how it is emphasized in this video that all clients are unique. There isn't one particular way to go about treatment that fits the "normal" human being. There is a way of treatment for everyone even if the path seems unclear or unlikely.


Jody got through to her client because she adapted her practice and met her client where he was. She had to go about this in a creative manner, which is a very admirable trait of a dance therapist.


Really cool how patient she was with the patient in this video. I like how she explained that she had to be invited into his world first before she could invite him into hers, and it eventually worked! Great story.


Thank you for sharing such a heartwarming experience. It is incredible that after three 30 minute session per week over six months you were able to create a space where this patient felt safe enough to share a nonverbal interaction (the handshake) with you. It makes it seem like that was his way of appreciating the time and effort you put into helping him acknowledge small movements and his surroundings. Also, it seems like that action was to tell you that throughout the 6 months, he was present during his sessions. I have personally never met anyone diagnosed with catatonia, but being that this is a disorder characterized by abnormal movements and behavior, it makes the gesture all the more special and shows that the smallest of touches allows people of all backgrounds to connect and empathize with one another.


Being able to, as Jody said, enter the patient's world and inviting them into your own is so challenging, but so rewarding. Thank you so much all dance movement therapists for your unending patience!!!


Getting on the same page as your client seems to be one of the cornerstones of DMT. This process of attunement is even more important in Jody's story since her client was so unable to express himself. Sharing this story will hopefully show many others that no matter the condition or disease, DMT can genuinely help anyone open up and discover some sort of healing. Thank you!


This speaker was incredibly expressive! The story she told demonstrated how powerful forming a connection with someone can be. For those who are initially closed off to creating a relationship, non-verbal communication seems like the most promising strategy.


I believe it was beautiful that you were able to establish a connection with the patient by using movement alone. Although he wouldn't talk to you he would still welcome your company with a nod. I found this video interesting because I had a similar experience. A few years ago, I completed a nursing assistant program where we worked in a nursing home as part of the course. I was assigned to assist in the care of an older woman who suffered from a stroke. Because of the stroke, speaking was very difficult for her. She did not speak in all my time caring for her. Nevertheless, I would greet her every morning and talk to her every day. Although she wouldn't verbally respond, she would look at me and smile. I would make sure that she was comfortable in her bed and that she had everything she needed. After doing this, she would simply hold my hand and smile. I understood that she was thanking me and I would smile back and wish her a good day :))


This story exemplified the idea of letting the patient lead. Being exposed to stories like these is very moving.


This really spoke to me and showed me what it means to be a dance movement therapist. Of course, a safe space is important but i hadn't realized what that actually means. Acceptance without judgement or expectations is what it means in this video. Every individual is different and therapy won't be the same for everyone, even in each specialized field. It is crazy how these therapists are able to take what they know and try something they may have never experienced before. I like how attunement is emphasized in this video.


I loved Wager's expressiveness. I can only imagine the grand colorful environments she can create in her sessions. Dance is not always grandiose movement. It is about details and individual expression, no matter how fast, slow, small, and large. She is very detail-oriented, observing down to the depth and pace of the client's breath. She expertly displays her sense of empathy, passion, patience, and willingness to adapt and learn. These are all traits vital to effective psychotherapeutic practices.


The energy that the dance movement therapist provided made it extremely easy to follow the exercises she completed with the officer. I found it kind of odd that it was till the last therapy session that they communicated. For example, she made it sound as though it was the first time she had heard him talk was in the last session. Indeed, it was awesome to see that she had created such a good environment through dance movement therapy that she made the connection that she was getting ready to say goodbye and he was just saying hello. I wonder how many sessions it took for him to feel no judgement whatsoever and if touch aided him in feeling that judgement free zone.


Mr. Officer lived in a hospital for 35 year. This limited his connection with other individuals and have negative affect on his body image. Result him with limit movement. Therapist take patient
in to walk, and she observe patient
's walking rhythm, she 'mirroring' his walking rhythm and his breath pattern. Through 'mirroring' she communicate with he non-verbally. She learned about his unconditional acceptance and patience. At the ends of last treatment session Mr. Officer finally speaks verbally. Therapist helped him to extend his world beyond the hospital and the patient also give the therapist a valuable experience. It is fascinating to know how much people can learn from each other non-verbally.


