What's A VERY Disturbing Facts ?

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What's A VERY Disturbing Facts ?
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Story 4: the baby fact is pretty disturbing and it's weird how doctors thought babies didn't feel pain and idk how they came up with that theroy in the first place


First Fact: I was bitten on the arm by a drunk chick at a Cradle of Filth Concert back in 2018. She was trying to force her way past me when I was up at the barricade and I refused to let her take my spot. She thought biting me was a good idea. She got hauled out by security.

Tetanus shot, wound cleaning, and a month worth of heavy duty anti-biotics and a month worth of anti-retrovirals in case of HIV transmission. Out of pocket was over $1000.


I was an infant in the 80's and had a to have a few surgeries done. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if I went through some of them fully conscious. It would explain a few things. I don't honestly believe that doctors thought infants don't feel pain. Anyone who has vaccinated a baby knows damn well that they feel pain. The real belief was probably that anastasia is a complicated and risky procedure (especially on someone that is so small) and babies can't really complain and probably won't remember the experience afterwards so it doesn't really matter if they are in pain or not if the end result is them getting better and the risk of anastasia isn't worth it. Now that anesthetizing infants is more routine and the risk is low enough, the medical community finds it more palatable to say "we simply didn't know" vs "yeah, we are going to subject you baby to unimaginable suffering that we don't even subject animals or POWs to, because it's easier".


Stories 1-60:
0:04 Human bite
0:37 Boob implants
0:57 Lung cancer
1:20 Babies & anesthesia
2:18 Gamma ray burst
3:35 Probable Superfund sites
3:47 1st face re-plant
4:35 Rogue planets
4:49 Encephalitis Lethargy
5:33 Rats fact
5:42 Missing kids
7:07 Non-avian dinosaurs
7:31 Mushroom
8:00 1 in 5 death
8:09 Sarin gas
9:47 Yellow stone caldera
9:57 Solved murder %
11:05 Owl fact
11:17 Missing nukes
11:52 Ant fact
11:59 Teeth and our eyes
12:28 Existing slaves
12:34 Benihana
13:23 Vitamin D & suicide
13:49 Heart disease
13:54 Avg life expectancy
14:10 Biting force
14:19 Galapagos vampire birds
14:42 Human blood & baking; yum
14:53 Torture by goats
15:14 "Flipper"'s suicide
15:24 Elevator death rate
16:15 C.R.E. bacteria
16:22 Moray eels
16:43 Self cannibalistic turkeys
16:55 Hidden Valley Ranch & bleach
17:00 Sun vs Earth death
17:24 Dentures
17:32 Consuming dead people
17:59 Universes life span
19:21 Lotto truth
19:29 Ukrainian princess & babies soft spots
19:38 Bed bugs private parts
19:50 Higest 'end life' profession
19:55 Mt. Everest dead bodies
20:24 Funny spiders
20:37 Pigs & cannibalism
20:45 Pharmaceutical Nazi gas
20:57 U.S. Nuke
21:12 Are we alone, or nah?
21:28 Ocean exploration fact
21:51 Dogs & their chew toys
21:59 End of the universe
22:17 Captive
22:28 Furniture arousal
22:39 Diamond fact
22:48 A worst way to die
22:58 Weight & pen*s size
23:16 Someone just died
23:21 Thomas Edison & an elephant


Thought #3 was a well known fact but the smokers just don’t care that they’re taking their loved ones out with them


When my oldest sister was born, (according to my mother) her head was in a weird position so a doctor had to adjust her head when she was coming out. When he did that, her collarbone broke without anybody realizing, and she cried nonstop for a few weeks until my mom when to the doctor's and got an x-ray. Imagine if that was in the 80s.


To make you all feel better about the gamma ray bursts, the fact that a star could randomly go supernova and hit us dead on is really, *really* unlikely. Almost ridiculously so. As a result I would recommend worrying about things that are much more likely to happen lol

EDIT: As someone pointed out in the replies, the reason for this is because space is actually very empty, and things are spaced rather far apart. As a result, it makes this very specific scenario highly unlikely.

EDIT2: Plus we get hit by gamma rays all the time. The thing that's different about this scenario is that a star would have to go supernova close enough and also do it at the exact right angle to get a direct hit, and that combination would be incredibly difficult to achieve.


Your eyes are not recognized by your immune system. This is mostly to perfect swelling from minor scratches (which is common) but also means that if an immune cell get in there you could easily go blind.


Worked in the Texas Medical Center for 25 years. The St. Joesph story about the Resident doctor’s decapitation, is even worse than it sounds. The elevator was stuck with about 18 inches of opening at the top. The doctor opened the inner doors and was attempting to crawl out on to the floor. He got his head out, and and at that exact moment the elevator went down to the next floor, severing his neck. The headless body fell back into the elevator car with a lone woman passenger. She was stuck in the elevator for 45 minutes with the body before the maintenance staff got her out.


I remember seeing Sandeep Kaur's face (not attached to her) in a Guinness Book of World Records when I was a child. It to her scalp, too. Pigtails and all.
Disturbing as heck, but also absolutely amazing that she survived that, that the transplant was a success and that she's doing well and studying medicine.
It's nice to hear what she's doing with her life and that she's succeeding after such a traumatic incident.


Story 11:
I'd say at age 18 is when you should no longer be able to track your child without consent. But be upfront of the tracker before then. My parents would always make me call them whenever I am about to or get to a new location so they know where I am in case they need to find me.

I didn't have my own cell phone in highschool. I would usually go to church with a friend on Wednesdays. So I would have to call from my friend's phone to let them know when we were going to church, when we get to church, when we leave church to go to a restaurant, when we get to the restaurant, when we leave the restaurant to get back to friend's house, and then once again when we get to friend's house to get picked up from there.

It's less about parents not wanting their children to go to certain places and more about them making sure the children are at a safe location and knowing where to find them in case anything comes up.


The fact that you will never see your own face with your very own eyes since we only rely on reflection too see our own faces


Baby: Cries from the internal pain of needing to be burped.
Docs: What is drugs?


14:43 "Around 17mL of human blood can substitute an egg in baking"
That might be useful with egg prices going up


im surprised that somebody who is a doctor probably the smartest in their class thought babies couldnt feel pain


The reason the veterinary nurses have such a high suicide rate isn't because they have to deal with dying pets and pets getting put Its because they have to give families the news that their beloved pet is suffering and the treatment is very expensive but their insurance won't cover it so they have to watch the family make the decision to let their pet suffer or let them go. And the hardest is seeing the people bring them home where they'll die a slow and painful death.


I remember learning about story 4. I had multiple heart surgeries as a baby in the 80s and fortunatly the children's hospital I had them in did not agree with this belief and used anaesthetic. As a medical professional myself, my brain can't even comprehend how other medical professionals out there would believe this. Like you said, it's an easy theory to test.


As someone who grew up in Minnesota, I have to remind you Duluth, MN is the farthest inland port with a direct access to the ocean. When you also factor in the iron range and how many metals are mined out of northern MN it would actually be an ideal spot to bomb to shut down trade in the US.


First time I did CPR ever on a real patient I immediately broke their ribs. It's normal and necessary to do so while doing compressions but you only ever learn on rubber dummies at first and nothing ever prepared me for that first crack I felt.


Story 15

Yeah as someone who studies chemistry, there are way way worse things then "some acid that melts your skin away"

Sure acid is painful, but there are things that'd go mostly unnoticed untill it's to late. Things that'd show up poorly on a tox-screen etc. Many ways to use chemicals as a weapon.... It's actually kinda scary to think about when you know that everyone who wants it can start a study in chemistry, and most information is available online nowadays. You just need to know how to combine information that makes it dangerous....
