Bombardment Of Iwo Jima 1945 (full)

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Freely downloadable at the Internet Archive, where I first uploaded it. Naval Photographic Center film #7329. National Archives description "1) AV 3 TBFs in flight, invasion fleet BG.2) AV-Pan Iwo Jima, fire burns on beachhead, smoke columns rises-SV.3) AV-Pan Beachhead to invasion fleet showing many small boats underway (very high shot).4) AV View of island north to south showing central airfields; pans to fire on beachhead, smoke columns rising.5) AV 3 SB2Cs in flight, invasion fleet below, ships firing. 6) AV SB2Cs in flight, Iwo Jima below. 7) AV Iwo Jima looking north to south, showing airfield, center fires & smokecolumns apparent. 8) AV Iwo Jima dive bombers bombing airfield, smoke columns & explosions. 9) AV-Pan Iwo Jima to invasion fleet, CLs & BBs below.QUALITY: GOOD TO FAIR, SOME HAZY." National Archives Identifier: 78029
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