Nursed all three of my babies. 2 things that might help: 1. As your milk is flowing, and your baby is eating. Stroke outward, gently but firmly, towards the baby, on the knot. This encourages it to unplug. 2. A warm, not hot, cloth, pressed gently on it could also help. The warmth helps everything to open up as much as possible. If you start running a fever, go to the doctor.
Them some real big words for plugged up duct work. Hope Momma is able to find some relief real soon!! Sore breasts can't be very fun to deal with. Hopefully the cute factor on that baby makes it all worth it for her!! Bless her heart!!
When it’s a plus to have a doctor as a husband.
Loving all your visuals! Congrats again on your new little one!
I grew up in rural East Texas and everyone around me had an accent just like this. Anytime I see someone who has this accent but is also intelligent and competent at their job or craft it is always a delight, proving that a southern accent does not equate to the stereotype of "dumb hillbilly." Good on ya, brother!
Clogged ducts are the worst! Best thing someone told me, and I wish more women understood this. Be gentle! You are not working on a muscle, you do not need to push on it like a knot. You are working with ducts. You can work it out without hurting yourself.
And don’t give up! Do everything you can think of to get it out. It feels like nothing will get it out, but eventually it will happen and the relief is amazing. If you stop trying, you are guaranteeing yourself to get mastitis. So keep trying.
-electric toothbrush to push the clot toward the nipple
-sunflower lecithin to help thin down the milk
-grate a potato and leave it like a cold compress on the clot. Some people recommend cabbage but that will affect your milk supply. Potatoes will not. And a potato won’t stain your bra like a red cabbage would.
-ask someone with a stronger suck to suck the clog out (like your husband).
-dangle feed. Lay your baby on the bed and get on your hands and knees over baby and breastfeed like this.
I'm an IBCLC (Lactation Consultant). Please contact a Lactation Consultant near you to help you with your lactation journey. We can help you with breastfeeding, clogged ducts, latch, feeding positions, pumping, infant oral restrictions, bottle feeding, etc. ❤😊
I refer to the milk glands more like a cluster of grapes that fill like gravity from the back toward the nipple. As they empty the draw from the back pulls milk forward into the nipple. When you stop nursing or pumping it fills again. Mastitis comes into play if milk is not regularly moved sufficiently through the ducts or if you are dehydrated or develop inflammation from infection. It causes the milk to build up a layer on the glands eventually blocking it. This causes your lumps. It may feel hot to the touch, swell, show redness. It hurts like hell. The key is to catch it quickly. Cold compress soothes. Pump between feedings or to ensure you are empty on both sides after a feeding. Switch the side you start nursing each feeding. Try nursing in different position to aid let down of all glands. Massaging can help but can be uncomfortable to painful. Check with your doctor if it persists, you might need antibiotics. You can pump the infected side while nursing from the other. Be aware if the doctor prescribes antibiotics and you are on birth control pills. The birth control could stop working. So use a secondary precaution for that time unless you relish the thought of Irish twins lol. Bag balm, lanolin, and vitamin E are soothing for chapped nips but be sure to wash before nursing. Highly recommend washable bra pads, what a godsend. Once baby has become comfortable latching I start pumping during nap times. I switch between bottles and breast. This allows dad to participate at times or If an emergency comes up someone can give the baby a bottle. I save and freeze extra milk. If you have to go on a med that doesn’t allow baby to nurse or an infection prevents you then you have back up stores. You can store frozen up to 3 months. Extra milk can be mixed in baby cereal etc. later. A soon as baby starts teething and chewing I switch to a soft tip sippy cup. They never have just one option so when I later wean they don’t even seem to notice. I still cuddle for feedings and read books while they sip their bottle or cup. By ten months all my kids to drink from regular sippy cups or glasses though I don’t trust them to move about with a standard cup.
I’m a lactation consultant (IBCLC). If you have access to one to see in person and can afford it I do recommend that. But you can try applying a wet, warm compress to the area and getting a vibrating massager or just an electric toothbrush and applying it to the area to help break up the blocked up milk. When you nurse the baby try pointing their chin or nose in the direction of the clog for the strongest suction in that direction.
Love that he's so knowledgeable and willing to explain with props! ❤🎉 Great traits for any man!!
Dad’s face when looking at his precious new baby is the sweetest face!!! He’s in complete love with that child ❤❤❤
Congrats to both of you and I pray mama gets the relief she needs 🙏
Lacterific / lactorific is my new fave breast/BF/pumping terminology! x
Omg, clogged milk ducts are the worst!!! 😢 they hurt so bad. Warm compress definitely helped me clear it. But man, it was traumatic.
Ohhh it hurts so bad so sorry mama!! But hope you get some relief and congratulations you 2 on the new addition! So perfect! I love your videos!!
His pupils are so big when he is looking at the baby. it's so cute.
Mastitis is absolutely awful. There's a lot of things you can do at home but nothing beats antibiotics when it's at the point where you have a fever. That pain is unreal.
Oh my gosh baby is absolutely PRECIOUS 😢
Great explanation, please keep a watchful eye if it does not resolve. It could possibly be something that could need need medical care.
THANK YOU for knowing this. I went undiagnosed w a deformity. My oldest almost died from sepsis at 2 weeks old meanwhile I was being shamed for not breast feeding. Turns out I CAN’T at least not more than an oz or two.