TNO Custom Super Event: Operation Resurrection (French Invasion of Burgundy)

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Here's a new custom TNO event! This time, covering the theoretical "Operation Resurrection": the French invasion of Burgundy, with the ultimate aim of liberating France of Himmler's grasp, once and for all. Whether this is led by de Gaulle or the myriad French factions, it's something of a last-ditch effort, despite knowing the risk of nuclear war...a very REAL risk, to put it lightly.

...And yes, the last bit at the end isn't a glitch.
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"I rather live under the darkness of the moon than the abyss of the Black Sun"


Player when playing Vichy France/Free France: “I’m do what’s a pro gamer move.”


Decades of humiliation finally put to rest.


I like that at the very end you putted the thermonuclear event, to remind us that if this operation isn't that fast it will result in a nuclear war


I can imagine the sheer shock of french troops after finding what happened with the population in burgundy




"They had once conquered Sahara" The man in the uniform thought. In front of him, a line of hostages were assembled, emaciated, head down, all already broken, as it was their common fate, their "natural" condition, he clinically reminded himself. Their servitude was just serving another purpose, a forceful demonstration of the resolute strength of the great Order-State, never abiding to pitiful "humans" values of lesser men. Still, it had to be done and in Lyon more as any other place : the city, populous and miserable, was both a symbol of the failed Résistance and a strategic cross-road on the Rhone river, dead-locking efficiently any foolish attempt coming from the yet to be corrected, french south. Its cultural landscape razed, its intricate streets dynamited, Lyon had become a fortress shielded by its increasing slave population. Yet the control as total as they wished, was never absolute. Now and then, they had to "remind them" in "recreational reeducation" and the public display of hostages, standing for days, slapped at will, shot if failing, was a real pleasure for the men in uniform. This week had been nothing uncommon in that regard and this morning, it should have been no different. So they thought. 

In a strange breeze, unnoticed, water began to increasingly rippled and dead leaves were pushed more violently. The ascending sun started to vibrate.

Too low to be seen, too fast to be caught and too late to be heard : the para' knew their moto and practiced it well. The helicopter squadrons activated their counter-measures, pushed their maximum speed and rushed to strike the Kommandantur, hacking to pieces vehicles and men alike, droping explosives in an implacable ballet of fire, strifing and loitering until the city was soaked with fumes. Then, the para deployed. Loud over the chaos in the streets, speakers were screaming a french song, long forgotten, saccaded by detonations and flamethrowers blows

The SS garnison never really understood that the battle of Lyon had been engaged and worse, that they had lost it. The bureaucratic machine of Burgundy well acknowledged the information. First with bemusement : its human operators disregarded it as a misinterpreted slave revolt. Then as other similar news arrived, as other contacts were lost, fear crippled their reaction, not of an invasion by an enemy long thought dismembered but of their hierarchy. Indeed, the first who dared to relay the strange "malfunction of essential productivity sub-components" were directly sent to the places lost, never to return. The second were simply silenced by their direct superiors, themselves at lost to explain this to the upper chain of command. When it finally reached Ost-Paris, a strange murmure was floating in the air, like a song, a chant, a dreadful promise. 
The sun was close to dusk....and windows began vibrating.


Jaques sits with his fellow soldiers on the dewy grass. The setting sun shining through the white wine he and his squad had taken from the officers' mess hall. While celebration was the usual response to such a find, the men sat silently amoung the rolling hills. Francois, their captain, sat furthest away from the center. His hands occupied with a half finished cigarette and a photo of his childhood home in Dijon. All of the men were silent and pensive for a while. Jaques had also been born beyond the new border. His birthplace being in the countryside of Normandy. All of them remembered their homes beyond the frontier. The family and friends stolen from them.
The wine remained untouched until dusk. The murky but sweet taste flooded them with more memories. These memories first brought nostalgia, its soft, pleasant embrace encompassing them. Next came a bitter sadness accented with longing pulling at their hearts. Finally came rage and hatred. Its fire filling them with the will to take back what belonged to them. At least as much as could be recovered. At the bottom of the wine bottle the men took long drags of cigarettes and waited for a while. Sharing stories of their homes and loved ones. The silent ticking of Jaques's watch reminded them that time would soon be up. Just before dawn they were to get their revenge. Yet to Jaques that felt like it was a century away.


If this event is successful, there should be another event called "The Guillotines Rise."


Im gonna bet my money there would be napoleon descendant that become military commander

And after the war end he proclaim himself an emperor and create third france empire


-Maxim Veygard, training 5 underequiped aircav divisions


French State:if Germany wont end the nightmare i would do it myself


I feel this would take place in the Gang of Four path.
The new Democratic German Agency would further infiltrate Burgundy and eventually find weaknesses and holes that would allow them to disable Burgundy's ability to launch nukes.
With the Germans giving France confirmation that it is "safe" to invade, the French launch Operation Resurrection.
With better training, plenty of weapons and German support, the French army steadily pushes into Burgundy.
Himmler, seeing that he is losing, gives the order to launch his nuclear arsenal... but nothing happens.
His plans are foiled, Himmler and his most loyal followers barricade themselves in his personal nuclear bunker.
But the French army never breaches the bunker, opting instead to wield the doors shut and block all the air vents.
As the French soldiers outside cause commotion, none of them hear a single gunshot ring out from Himmler's personal room...


Being French.

Seeing this video.

Know the song by heart.

Know what happened beyond the new frontier.

*Sings aggressively*

The German friend nearby: *sweats aggressively.*


"i'd rather die unknown in the darkness then to live in the light of the black sun"
-unknown red poppy partisan, est 1978


The Marshal of Verdun has failed France, now, De Gaulle shall save us or die trying....


My idea of how this event would work out is using the mechanics found in Long Yun/Ostland's Devastation meter and Taboritsky's Clockworks where you need to keep not only de Gaulle alive but also watch how much destruction happens in France/Brittany/Burgundy

*de Gualle is alive/Low Devastation is low:

de Gualle is able to lead France into democracy and rehabilitate the Burgundians settlers after the Paris truth and reconciliation commission(similar to the OTL Nuremburg Trial), OFN and the Go4 Germany invests heavily into their economy a la OTL post-war Japan
but without the bubble economy happening in the 90s

*de Gualle is alive/High Devastation:

the OFN, a Russian Federation with Pokryshkin in the cockpit or the United Kingdom led by Thatcher intervenes and does a lend-lease in exchange for pro-British economic union, Russian Megacorps funding and keeping in their pockets many French politicians, or OFN-based companies setting up shop and exploiting resources in France and its former colonies, while Burgundy was defeated, many a French citizen joke that On Norman neck rests a English/Yankee/Russian yoke

*de Gualle is dead/Low Devastation:

A military junta is set-up with Degrelle, Eriksson, and Touvier(de La Mazière pulls a downfall and kills himself before getting captured) collaborating in exchange for pardons, and the surviving Burgundians and collaborators are given a kangaroo court trial and deported to Germany, France becomes the new sick man of Europe, with the possibility of it ending up as the Belarus of West Europe

*de Gualle is dead/High Devastation: at first, France is united to trick the player into a false sense of security/victory, but over time, bickering amongst the factions causes France to become "The Yugoslavia of West Europe" eventually devolving into a Balkan style War between French, Bretons, Belgians, and Burgundians, that can end in an anarchy failstate, complete takeover by the multiple factions, puppeted by Dengist Speer, or be the cause of WW3 with OFN and the Unity-Pakt backing and supporting their faction of choice


De gaulle gaming time against burgundy. What a time to be alive. So long


Down with the Black Sun, Up with the Tricolore!


*POUR LA FRANCE!* - unknown french infantry charging across the Burgundian frontline
