This one of my favourite songs, you juts made it better boujxechicc
This one of my favourite songs, you juts made it better
If the song is called money trees then this animation is worth a whole forest!! <3 DylanheBuilder
If the song is called money trees then this animation is worth a whole forest!! <3
I've been watching this non stop how 😭💖💞 Kittencloudyu
I've been watching this non stop how 😭💖💞
I ❤ that art!!!❤❤❤❤❤Who draws that?😊❤❤❤ meijing
I ❤ that art!!!❤❤❤❤❤Who draws that?😊❤❤❤
Heyyy I have watched your content for years love your art and you have inspired my art career jillpatterson
Heyyy I have watched your content for years love your art and you have inspired my art career
Classic song, the artstyle slaps, its a perfect combo anethkiray
Classic song, the artstyle slaps, its a perfect combo
Im not a furry but this animation, artstyle, coloring makes It very nice to watch steelrhino
Im not a furry but this animation, artstyle, coloring makes It very nice to watch
Hazel: finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary! milkshake
Hazel: finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!
You ever see an animation so smooth it gives you some sort of a weird funny feeling? Well this is one of them and I like that. soft_cawfee
You ever see an animation so smooth it gives you some sort of a weird funny feeling? Well this is one of them and I like that.
*Hand over the talent* *cmon* *GIMME IT* qyleif
*Hand over the talent* *cmon* *GIMME IT*
La mejor obra de arte me encanta no puedo dejar de verlo es ermoso la verdad la me jor obra de arte enserio está arte costaría millones RomiRS-wk
La mejor obra de arte me encanta no puedo dejar de verlo es ermoso la verdad la me jor obra de arte enserio está arte costaría millones
Damn this smoother than my life but honestly the animation is beautiful and is a blessing to my eyes ❤💜💫 yunibuns
Damn this smoother than my life but honestly the animation is beautiful and is a blessing to my eyes ❤💜💫
yo your art style is fucking phenomenal in a world full of digital art that all looks the same yours is *chefs kiss* amazing. keep it up luxxym
yo your art style is fucking phenomenal in a world full of digital art that all looks the same yours is *chefs kiss* amazing. keep it up
I cant get over how good this character looks blomme
I cant get over how good this character looks
No dejaré deber esto me alegra mi vida ❤️💜💙 RomiRS-wk
No dejaré deber esto me alegra mi vida ❤️💜💙
I wanna draw her so badly! Her design looks so cool and cute! The hair color, the hair style, the character, everything. ankle
I wanna draw her so badly! Her design looks so cool and cute! The hair color, the hair style, the character, everything.
i would shitpost but the animation is pretty smooth ain't gon cap NOVABBX
i would shitpost but the animation is pretty smooth ain't gon cap
0:09 ahhh I love this part with the wingsss jadeardz
0:09 ahhh I love this part with the wingsss
Bro made me subscribe with just one shorts ❤ Accelerator.
Bro made me subscribe with just one shorts ❤