Artist Alley Vlog | A Weekend at Con-Volution & Mini Collab with Jennifer Charlee

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Today I'm sharing something a little different! Follow me though a weekend in Artist Alley at a small convention! Jennifer Charlee and I were able to film a mini in-person Inktober collaboration as well, so I hope you enjoy it! Plus, multiple appearances by Cricket!

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It was great to meet the person be hind the voice. Love your work! You are talented and knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing


Really great to see a vlog from you and see what it's like to go to a con from a vendor's point of view. New merch looks adorable. And I am so glad you did a cheetah for shy! So cute! And a huzzah for being brave and stepping outside your comfort zone.


OH my gosh!! Your stuff is so adorable! Everything looks fantastic. Best of luck to you!


I know there are playlists and I seldom think of looking there for content! I like the treasure hunt aspect of looking through an artists catalog of videos and feel that I "discovered" a gem! You have such wonderful content, thanks for keeping it online for your viewers!


Wow, you bring me back 20 years. I did crafts for 25 years before that. Long travel days. Long day selling too. When I was 39, my shoulders started acting up. Then came the rest of the pain conditions. After retiring from my business, I've been wondering what can make my day happy, successful. I have found you, others artist, who make my day. I'm coloring with pencils, Inktence, watercolor pencils, and gouache. I can somehow, set aside the pain. So... here my thank you. Kathy


I admire how self-driven you are. Good work, and keep it up! Maybe if the stars align I'll manage to come to one of the 'cons you go to and say hi (and get some art too!)


:O The coin purses are SO CUTE!! And Cricket being her adorable self :3
Looks like a really fun convention, hopefully the attendance will pick up a bit in the ocming years...


Omg, I know a little bit how you feel, having so much work and a disappointing pay off. These kinds of selling events are hard! Don't give up! (I know you won't) - I loved the cheetah you made for Jennifer! Amazing how you can draw it by memory!


Lol Cricket ^_^ So fun to hang out with you this weekend 💕


I feel you with the 7-9 hours of sleep; if I get less than 7 I'm toast for the day no matter what I do to try to wake up! I'm so glad we got to see Cricket and I hope your pain levels were manageable throughout the weekend! I don't remember having seen the painting at timestamp 14:29 before but it's beautiful!

(Also, more Cricket, plz) ;-)


I hope you get better soon! I would have spent my savings of the month to buy your merch. Your place was beautiful! The decorations, how well organized it was!! Hope you can make to another fair with more attendance so you can get what you deserve:) p.s: sorry for my english i'm southamerican


I'm so sorry your back caused so much trouble, and am genuinely impressed you managed to get everything in and out of the car AND put up your kaylee buns despite it. Way to build that ladder!

The mouse you guys worked on together is super cute, and those pouches came out really cool! If you don't mind me asking, who printed them? And/or who printed your tote bags? It seems like you were able to have a small batch made and that very much interests me.

I similarly had a long, exhausting, sleepless and disappointingly poorly-attended event this weekend so I feel a sort of emotional kinship over this vlog. I think the good things to focus on are that you and Jennifer got to hang out for a while, got to see some incredible costumes, and you got some solid work done during the down time. I was ultra frustrated after my weekend and had to remember that you can't win them all, and everything teaches you some sort of don't schedule events during a holiday weekend unless that event is at a place people will be spending their holiday.

Anyway, this is a neat vlog and I think you had a great balance of in-the-moment shots vs. recounting stories shots, and perhaps even just enough Cricket shots. (Although more is always good when it comes to adorable and cuddly cats.)

Also, I really loved seeing the setup you guys had! Never thought to make some sort of back board for hanging prints since I'm usually outside in my canopy.

Here's to hoping that your next show is unbelievably successful and effortless!


I can hear in your shaky voice that your pain was pretty intense but you pushed thru it for 2 days! Poor you! I hope you are feeling better now!


jaay cricket ♥ btw i saw some sort of shiny canvas... what was that?


The new merch is really top notch! SO sorry you were in pain for the weekend. I hope you are resting today. Thank you for taking us along! Cricket is a terrific vlog co-host !




It would be a dream come true if I could buy an art from you densie!:)


What white pen do you use around the 13:10 mark? It looks like it works great compared to the one I use.
