Sometimes your real enemy is the one smiling in your face often. #enemies

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Sometimes the person who is always smiling in your face can be your enemy. Stop letting people come into your personal space because they seem like a good person. Yes, some people who have no bad intentions for you may smile at you. There is nothing wrong with that. At the same time, there are some people who smile at you and may hate your guts. Are you understanding me? Just because someone smiles at you doesn't mean they have good things intended for you. Before they get ready to betray you, they may treat you very well to put down your guard.

If you want to know whether someone is a good person or not, look for consistency. The behavior they display the most, chances are, that is how they truly are. I understand we all are going to make mistakes. We are going to do some things that aren't right. Some people may behave badly right now, but they are trying to change. At the same time, you still have to look at consistency.

Please follow this.
*Consider this:*

1. Believe in Jesus Christ. Don't think of Him as an imaginary person. He is not.
2. Change your mind about sin. Take no interest in it. Will you still sin if you have no interest in it? Possibly. Confess your sins to God (1 John 1:9 King James Version). Speak to Him as if he is right next to you. It may sound strange but I believe it is necessary.
(a.) Example: "God please forgive me for all my sins."
I think I say this or something similar to it. If you can remember, I think it is a good idea to name each sin you have done.
(a.1) Example: "God please forgive me for lying to my mother, stealing a can of Mountain Dew, committing adultery with my neighbor's wife, using foul language with Tommy, getting drunk last night, speaking rudely to Sarah," etc...
3. Follow the rules in the bible (I don't believe we are under the law of Moses).
4. Always trust in God and be patient with Him.

I recommend these things for you to do:

1. Try to stay away from anyone who is sinful (unless you are trying to help or tell them about Jesus Christ).
2. Stay away from filthy and perverse entertainment:
(a) Movies and television shows that display sinful situations and have filthy language.
(b) Music with filthy language and/or sexual content.
3. Dress modestly. Don't dress in a way to attract sexual attention from people.
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Sometimes the person who is always smiling in your face can be your enemy.

Stop letting people come into your personal space because they seem like a good person. Yes, some people who have no bad intentions for you may smile at you. There is nothing wrong with that. At the same time, there are some people who smile at you and may hate your guts. Are you understanding me? Just because someone smiles at you doesn't mean they have good things intended for you. Before they get ready to betray you, they may treat you very well to put down your guard.

If you want to know whether someone is a good person or not, look for consistency. The behavior they display the most, chances are, that is how they truly are. I understand we all are going to make mistakes. We are going to do some things that aren't right. Some people may behave badly right now, but they are trying to change. At the same time, you still have to look at consistency.
