Η Περιφορά των Επιταφίων στην Κω (14/4/2023)

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ΚΩΣ 14/04/2023 - Μεγάλη Παρασκευή, Η Περιφορά των Επιταφίων στην Κω.
KOS, GREECE 14/04/2023 - Holy Friday, The Epitaph in Kos.
On Good Friday, all the Churches decorate the Epitaph with spring flowers, and cover it with sweet-smelling leaves and petals
KOS, GREECE 14/04/2023 - Holy Friday, The Epitaph in Kos.
On Good Friday, all the Churches decorate the Epitaph with spring flowers, and cover it with sweet-smelling leaves and petals