Controlling instrument cluster with Arduino

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I have done both, control a vehicle instrument cluster using its can bus, and I've fitted the switech instrument steppers to vintage aircraft instruments.
The switech motors are fairly easy to use, the can bus system is a lot harder, I got an instrument cluster that fitted the car I had at the time, then used a can bus sniffer program with an arduino to reverse engineer the codes. I'm not into driving sims I make unusual time clocks.


From my perspective; Every car manufacturer uses a different set of instructions to give information to the instrument panel. When you want to mod these kind of instrument panels my advice is to get trace how the panel gets it instructions. In this case the Jaguar's instrument panel gets it information from the one of the processing units within the cars ecosystem. It's much more easier to trick that system then the dash itself. Just to be sure, have you done this with a German made instrument panel from before 2000? They are much easier to configure and if you prefer you can search for one that fit's your Jaguar backplate. Goodluck!


Really interesting video, keep the good work up!


This is a cool project. Thank you for sharing.


im using these tieing into an older gauge cluster for a replacement tachometer. The older cluster uses a frequency based input such that for instance, 80hz on a function generator equates to 2400 rpm (2 pules per crank rotation). I get the signal into my esp32 microcontroller and create a pulse counter which triggers off every .1 seconds to count the pulses and conver that based on the time step to an rpm value. good works perfect...what im running into is when i drive this motor with that signal its incredibly jittery bouncing all around. i can use smoothing arrays to clean up the signal on a moving average basis bu then that slows the response time of the tach. my question is when this is hooked up to a car with can bus do you still get all that jitter from the gauges?


I was expecting the actual CAN bus code to move the stepper motors according to the input instructions sent via the CAN bus as it only needs 2 wires. Were you able to tackle this or did you not bother?


Ale fajnie, ni myslales o uzyciu ESP32 jako kontrolera? Pozdrawiam


Hi... just in the same situation, a car cluster with the main board broken and all stepper motors working but still lookin a way to just read the values (RPM - Speed) with Sim Hub without any treatment just the actual value and use it in a personal interface with motors... Any updates from your part ??


How do I get in contact with you so we can discuss developing this?


want to make a custom speedo using gm stepper motors for temp fuel rpm and speedo and odometer steper goal is to make custom cluster i can config useing non can bus type control


if it's open source, why are you blurring the pcb layout?
