How to use Spring JPA with PostgreSQL | Spring Boot
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In tradition approach, implementing Data Access Layer makes lots of boilerplate of code. Spring JPA is a part of Spring Data, helps us improve our codes and reduce efforts for development and maintenance. Spring JPA supports us the ways to write interface for repositories and custom finder methods, the implementation will be done automatically by Spring Framework.
The tutorial will introduce you how to use Spring JPA with PostgreSQL using Spring Boot.
I. Technology
– Java 1.8
– Maven 3.3.9
– Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.1.RELEASE
– Spring Boot: 1.4.0.RELEASE
II. Overview
1. Goal
2. Project Structure
– Class Customer corresponds to entity and table customer, it should be implemented Serializable.
– CustomerRepository is an interface extends CrudRepository, will be autowired in WebController for implementing repository methods and custom finder methods.
– WebController is a REST Controller which has request mapping methods for RESTful requests such as: save. findall, findbyid, findbylastname.
3. Step to do
– Create Spring Boot project & add Dependencies
– Configure Spring JPA
– Create DataModel Class
– Create Spring JPA Repository Interface
– Create Web Controller
– Create PostGreSQL table
– Run Spring Boot Application & Enjoy Result
III. Practice
1. Create Spring Boot project & add Dependencies
2. Configure Spring JPA
3. Create DataModel Class
4. Create Spring JPA Repository Interface
5. Create Web Controller
6. Create PostGreSQL table
Open pdAdmin III, use SQL Editor and make a queryfor create customer table:
CREATE TABLE customer(
firstname VARCHAR(20),
lastname VARCHAR(20)
7. Run Spring Boot Application & Enjoy Result
– Config maven build:
clean install
– Run project with mode Spring Boot App
– Check results:
Request 1
The browser returns Done and if checking database testdb with table customer, we can see some data rows has been added.
Request 2
Request 3
Request 4
IV. Source Code
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The tutorial will introduce you how to use Spring JPA with PostgreSQL using Spring Boot.
I. Technology
– Java 1.8
– Maven 3.3.9
– Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.1.RELEASE
– Spring Boot: 1.4.0.RELEASE
II. Overview
1. Goal
2. Project Structure
– Class Customer corresponds to entity and table customer, it should be implemented Serializable.
– CustomerRepository is an interface extends CrudRepository, will be autowired in WebController for implementing repository methods and custom finder methods.
– WebController is a REST Controller which has request mapping methods for RESTful requests such as: save. findall, findbyid, findbylastname.
3. Step to do
– Create Spring Boot project & add Dependencies
– Configure Spring JPA
– Create DataModel Class
– Create Spring JPA Repository Interface
– Create Web Controller
– Create PostGreSQL table
– Run Spring Boot Application & Enjoy Result
III. Practice
1. Create Spring Boot project & add Dependencies
2. Configure Spring JPA
3. Create DataModel Class
4. Create Spring JPA Repository Interface
5. Create Web Controller
6. Create PostGreSQL table
Open pdAdmin III, use SQL Editor and make a queryfor create customer table:
CREATE TABLE customer(
firstname VARCHAR(20),
lastname VARCHAR(20)
7. Run Spring Boot Application & Enjoy Result
– Config maven build:
clean install
– Run project with mode Spring Boot App
– Check results:
Request 1
The browser returns Done and if checking database testdb with table customer, we can see some data rows has been added.
Request 2
Request 3
Request 4
IV. Source Code
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