life lately

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syah. you didn't say this. let us remind you of your tagline "keep smiling, stay positive & don't forget hidup kena chill" . you got this aisyah 🤍


Its a reminder to myself and everyone reading this. If you’re a Muslim, always return back to Allah no matter in what condition you’re in. Happiness, sadness, kaya mana pun atau miskin mana pun still need to turn back to our creator. In that way, you won’t be bothered when people caci maki you or say something bad about you. Coz you have the “tawakal” towards Allah. I constantly have this problem too. Everyday ada je tak kena. But i need to reflect on my daily deeds whether i did it perfectly or not according to allah’s eyes. Sebab kalau tak beribadah dgn sempurna confirm i’ll see the consequences in a short period of time. Nowadays Allah nak bagi balasan sekejap je. Tak de tunggu 10 20 tahun pon. Siapa yang solat melopong, sila la perbaiki solat tu. It’ll help eventually. Eventho solat terpaksa but lama lama the heart will not feel as a burden anymore. Try solat alone and peacefully and quiet, that way u can cry and let it all out to allah. And maybe allah will lift up ur pain Aishah. U’re a good person. Just surround urself with “ilmiah” people now ya.

Warm hugs to you Aishah❤❤❤


Assalamualaikum, sy hanya manusia biasa yg rasa tak layak utk nasihatkan u, Aisyah. Allah bagi kekayaan Dunia, u get to travel the world. Makan apa yang kadang2 manusia biasa pun tak mampu nak dapat. Alhamdulillah, tu rezeki u. Sy happy tengok. Tapi.. 1 saja. We cuba kembali bersujud kepadaNya. Slowly but surely. You will find happiness dan ketenangan yg u cari, which no one ever understands. Again, I am nobody to say this. But sebagai "kakak", tu sj sy dapat nasihatkan. Jgn marah ye. Keep on being positive ❤


this is my first time commenting, I've always been a silent viewer. Aisyah, your videos have been keeping up with me ever since you studied abroad, I've watched your videos everytime i eat or chilling with my family. You always never fail to make us smile even you're putting mask on to hide your pain from us, watching this video brings my heart heavy to see you like this. Sometimes it's fine to cry, cry all you want and need the supporter you have right now will always be the shoulder for you to lean on even it's not physically but virtually. You have your family to support whatever decision you've made so don't give up. i <3 u.


I never feel this sad when i am watching your videos, it is my first time waiting for my fav youtuber to come back but i know sometimes life is hard and all of us face that. I just wanna share some words to whoever are struggling with life (maybe inc me also), when we are tired, just rest, dont quit. Okay? I really hopes that you dont quit doing videos and post it on youtube. I will always waiting for you syah cause i miss you and every each of your family. We might be a stranger but you are such my role model in everything, i am your fans since 8 years old and now im 24. Hoping that you are doing well there, forget all those haters, we all loves you from afar syah. Haters gonna hate because they dont have what you have! But dont forget, hidup kena chill! 🩷 we loves you aisyah, please come back stronger, we miss you🩷💖


feeling heavy watching this, watching your smiles fade, its my first time dropping a comment here.

you’re not alone. adulting is hard.

you’re just another stranger but i feel close to you, i love you aisyah. stay strong. you will go through this. you’re special. your presence really brightens my day.

and the hair looks good on you! so pretty😍

and dont forget, hidup kena chill 😉


Adulting is so hard aisyah ❤ keep walking and appreciate people who choose to stay with you. Enjoy these moments because this thing will teach you to become stronger than before.


"keep smiling, stay positive, and don't forget hidup kena chill, bye my love" :))


Im crying syah. Idk but i can see the emptiness from your eyes. 😭


never seen this side of aisyah, eyes never lie. hoping that aisyah can come back stronger than before and always remember that there are still people out there who love and support you till now 💋


To netizen out there out there yang rasa diri tu bagus, kutuk and bashing orang sana sini sampai lupa diri tu xsempurna. Semoga korang rasa balik apa yang korang buat. Ingat in this world, what you gives, you will get back.


it's okay to be alone sometimes aisyah, you have your closest ones with you. Some doesn't deserves you, but just keep doing good and be who you are and be you. Yang penting, jaga solat & Jaga hubungan dengan Dia <3


imagine bullying someone until they are depressed and feeling unworthy.. i do not agree with what you did, but you dont deserve that kind of hate either. may you find peace in life, syah. ive been watching you since your 1st started youtube. practically grew up with you the entire journey. ppl make mistakes. that doesn’t mean youre a bad person. learn from it, live with it and move on from it❤ i hope you will never have to sampai makan ubat for depression. i wouldn’t wish that even on my worst enemy ❤


sumpah, aku nangis do tengok aisyah macam ni 🥲 semoga aisyah kembali ceria macam dulu kala 🖤 #Hidupkenachill 🤍


It breaks my heart to see u like this😢 Its ok to cry, its ok to take a longest break. You can go through this💪🏻 we are with you.


Fall down seven times, get up eight Aisyah! you can ! Insha Allah !


Dear, talk to Him.. This is one of the way that He wants to let u know that He misses to talk to u alone . Luahkan semuanya dalam doa u, let him know ur feeling, everything. inn syaa Allah, u akan rasa lega.


Sedih pula aku tengok dia sampai jadi mcmni. Selalu dia happy go lucky. Hmmm. Its okay girl. Semua manusia buat silap dalam hidup. Tiada manusia yg sempurna. Kesilapan akan buatkan u jadi lebih matang dan dewasa. Its okay.


Rasa pelik bila Aisyah tak cakap banyak dalam vlog dia, its okay Aisyah, stay strong, we love youu❤


maybe i don't understand your feelings aisyah and i know it's not easy at all, but you've been through a lot to get to this point in your life and you'll be okay, maybe you're not okay now but believe me all the pain will be strength for you aisyah ❤️ -love, D
