PC vs Console: Why the Hate? | Game/Show | PBS Digital Studios

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Console vs PC: it's the debate that will never end, each camp passionate, nay, HOSTILE in their defense of their chosen mode of play. While arguments of graphics and processor speeds continue to fling back and forth, we've started wondering if there's something deeper to this 20 year debate. Does "Console vs PC" reflect something about our attitudes toward technology? Watch the episode and find out!
















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And regarding my glasses:

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Am I the only person who doesn't care about graphics?


Her majesty PC, shall not be compared to some console peasant of thine.


I am a console gamer all the way. I know PC IS better! More freedom, cheaper games, better visuals, etc. Like the video stated; it all comes down to freedom vs ease of access. I prefer easy access. For me, games are a way to relieve stress, not cause it.


As a PC gamer I love both.  Consoles are MUCH more intuitive, but the PC really does leave you with more freedom.  There is no argument about which is better.  As for the PC MASTER RACE BS, they make me ashamed to be a PC gamer.  They give everyone a bad name by being flaming assholes.


I'm really beginning to wonder about this channel. First you compared Anita Sarkeesian to Rosa Parks (so, not even close to remotely the same thing), then you mispronounce Miyamoto's name, and now I'm looking at each of these videos with a more critical eye. I mean, good points are made all the time, but there are so many things said on this channel that really make me question the validity of it overall.


5:56 Your point about the pc master race meme is somewhat valid but wrong. You also have phrases such as "Grammar Nazi" which no one seems to complain about. If you offended by it then fair enough. Personally I think it is just a good meme that is sarcastic, not offensive in any way. Before anyone says I'm not sensitive or something, I am brown myself with family from all over Asia and would be in a concentration camp or dead if I were in Nazi Germany.


This video pinpointed the correct cause of the PC vs Console divide. Open vs Closed platforms. PC gamers are free to do anything they want, and Console gamers can only play or do what Sony and MS allow them to do.

However, that all changes next year when Steam Machines are released. Console gamers with a Steam Machine will be able to play games with their PC friends on PC servers. They can play from their comfy couches with their favorite controllers. It's PC gaming without all the BS that console gamers hate.  Just turn it on, pick a game, play. Easy.


Hands down the most compromising and polite. video about the PC and console war, nice Job.


As a console gamer 1080p or 720p is fine, so is 60fps or 30fps.


there is no debate from a tech perspective. these new consoles are using 2010 mid range pc parts while PC gamers are basiclly at PS5 or PS6 performance already. and everyday pc gaming is getting easier and cheaper to get into. in my eyes consoles are on their last leg as the concept has become too outdated for its own good


The whole Wozniakian (Open Tech) Vs. Jobsian (Closed Tech) ideology actually fits the PC/Console debate rather well... As well as the Mac (Closed) Vs. Windows (Semi-Open) Vs. Linux (Fully-Open) debate and ideologies.

You want a computer you buy, plonk on your table and it just goes, no tinkering required? Buy a Mac.
You want a computer you can plonk on your desk and only need to do minor-medium tweaking if you've the know-how? Buy/Build a Windows system.
You want full control over the hardware that sits on your desk and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty and your fingers sore? Build a Linux rig and do whatever the *yay* you want!

I still maintain that modern (post-PS2) gaming consoles are creeping towards being pre-built PC's with 1 set of specs for everyone and 1 source for updates, and that they've lost their classic "pop in and play!" functionality for them to keep pace in the modern world through day-one patches and firmware updates, though.
The XBone and PS4 being AMD Jaguar-based APU's with a custom Windows-variant (XBone) or *Nix-variant (PS4 runs a custom FreeBSD-based OS), just proves that.

<Typo correction. SPU -> APU.>


Consoles are for simple people who don't want to spend time and money on PCs. PCs are for people who will put a lot of time and effort to have the best experience. It's kinda like comparing a home cooked meals to fast food. Home cooked meals will usually be a lot better, but depends on how good you can cook, and your patience. While fast food won't taste as good, it's quick and easy. I know it's not the best metaphor but it's all I could think of.


PBS Game/Show  -_- Sorry, I love your show and all, but I think I speak for most of PC gamers in that most PC Gamers use console controllers. The whole "GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE" thing is just a joke and idiot fanboys take it WAY to far. I mean, I LOVE Nintendo consoles and classic consoles. It's just that I don't like the community of Playstation and Xbox. And their lack of innovation and upgrades. But anyway, I use the PCMASTERRACE brand as satire and joke around with my friends, like a couple days ago when my pal and I were walking home and I did this whole marching band song on why PC is the best. XD Ah, hilarious. But yeah, most of the argument things you display are not true for like 95% of PC gamers. You made PC gamers look like an ass. It's the fanboys and trolls, not the actually passionate people on PC. :(


So...Basically... Pc for nerds, Console for gamers


I don't know why PC players hate console players. I personally have played both and don't prefer either, I just think about the game.


I personally use two extremes.
Wii u and PC. I use the wii u for nintendo's exclusives and PC for mmo's and games that ps4 and xbone would get anyway. Good taste of a lot of things


That was a FANTASTIC episode.  You took an already interesting debate and explained it on a whole new level without needless grasping.  Keep doing that - I'll keep watching.


I don't hate Console Gamers. What i hate is that most games are being made with consoles in mind, which results in a decrease of complexity of Video games in general.
I also prefer PC games because of their modability and more customization options.
But i can understand Console Gamers because console games run no matter what machine you have.


I would tend to believe that gaming on the PC probably is better overall. However, a great many of us cannot possibly partake of gaming on the PC, for the simple reason that it is far too expensive. I simply cannot afford the $700 or more that it will take to build a good gaming PC. I may have a chance to build a $500 PC relatively soon, but the parts that I can get for that price will get me far inferior performance to a PS4.

Like I said, PC gaming is probably better overall. But it's a luxury that not all of us can afford. Remember that.


Okay the PC gamer argument for controls that you presented is in no way representative of what most PC gamers use for arguments of controllers, things such as "do you fully comprehend that our hands are was makes us different from every other creature on this planet" "use a keyboard and mouse the way god intended" and "If I really wanna debase myself I'll use a controller" has never been used as an argument for PC controls by anyone since the debate sprung up(in my experience.) This is one of those times I question just how in touch you are with actual gaming like the arguments you used in your hacking video. I enjoy your content 90% of the time but some times I feel like your talking about things you have no idea about.
