Yargle And Multani We’ve Broken This Duo Full EDH deck tech

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Magic the gathering commander deck tech power matters deck tech broken tech tech

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It seems a meme card, but has huge potential, will build it for sure!


I've been testing this deck online and it definitely has a lot of cards to falls back on that all draw lots of cards, should your opponents have tons of removal, as well as providing tons of ramp. In short Yargle gives tons of value, maybe too much. I say this because almost every turn I would be discarding 12-18 cards and there aren't really a lot of cards that utilize the graveyard much in this deck. Other than that it's a great deck, even if it's extremely expensive.


Hmm I'm thinking of Exponential Growth an Overwhelming Stampede (basically Pathbreaker Ibex but a sorcery), would make this interesting.


Yargltani (Yargle and Multani) is very silly when played as an aristocratic deck, people seem to expect that an 18/6 commander is only good for one thing: Voltron but that sneakily that couldn't be further from the truth. I went really heavy on recursion since it is Golgari which also adds quite a bit of redundancy and resilience. I am quite surprised how consistent the deck is. Truly one of the funniest things to happen is when you Rishkar Expertise into playing a free Return of the Wildspeaker getting 36 cards in a turn than storming off: Yeee-Hah!
Some budget includes to consider:
- Meteor Golem: High power, cheat commander out
- Shakedown Heavy: Cheap CMC, high power, drawback is to draw a card: OK sign me up
- Back for More: The flavor as Yargltani comes out of the depths for more
- Black Sun's Twilight: Another lovely 2 for 1, get rid of a creature, get your creature back
- Lord of Extinction: Back up fodder for Jarad, Rite of Consumption, Essence Harvest, Dying Wish, easily big due to discarding so many cards after drawing so many cards
- Dying Wish: drain and gain
- Rite of Consumption: drain and gain
- Essence Harvest: and more drain and gain
- Regrowth: get back those oh so important drain and gain cards and do it again
- Reclaim: Oh look what I am getting back: one of my drain and gain cards
- Exsanguinate: an X spell to put all that mana into and can you guess it? Drain and gain!
- Infuse with Vitality: Don't undervalue this card, the Deathtouch can be quite useful in a pinch and you get your creature back
- Chariot of Victory: Trample, First strike and Haste all the things a growing Yargltani needs ;p


I'm currently beind mauled to death by my friends in Commander, and I'm DEFINITELY trying this one xD


I'd probably take out Read the Bones and replace it with Tribute to the World Tree. They cost the same amount in mana, although Tribute is 3 green instead of 2 generic. But either way, it's gonna draw you a card each time Yarg and Mul etb. Which seems like it's gonna be a lot.


You should really include demonic embrace. Gives him +3/+1 getting him immediately into lethal damage and flying which could easily kill someone the moment you play it. Aaaand you can cast it from your graveyard by discarding and paying 3 life both of which are not a problem at all in this deck


Fungal sprouting is a good budget token maker don't remember if you included but adds 18 saprolings and then you can pump them or do sap strategies


U can also run that new green enchantment that let's u play one spell from grave per turn to get him back


So I built this deck and finally got to play it the last few days. Nobody expects Yargle and Multani to be about sacrificing them, everyone expected Voltron.

It's an incredibly satisfying deck to play, and probably my current favorite


This is an amazing list, I would upgrade the mana base to my budget but it is definitely a great starting point.
