Hope you gonna solve the KYC issues including the tentative KYC status, stuck KYC, unavailable KYC slots to a lot of pioneers, as well as the long pending migration issues. Great work🎉🎉🎉
Semoga open mainit segera terwujud dan bisa dinikmati hasil nambang koin selama ini 🙏
My downline has completed all 1 to 7 and it's been more than a year since Pi hasn't arrived. Many people have the same problem. I hope you can fix it soon.
I've completed the checklist about 10 month ago, but my Ballance is still not transferred to my wallet it's remain pending since then😢
I am totally speechless on how Pi KYC has become rocket science. If it's proving difficult why not source it out to a third party company that agrees to be paid with pi?
mantap bos' Alhamdulillah mainnet segera yees Ok sukses n jaya selalu pi
I'm done with all in the checklist, I've equally signed, the last number of the checklist has been on my neck since March 2023. What can I do to resolve this...
Plz answer my question, my 8th step is in purple from long time, while my referrals got migrated
Semoga Open Mainet segera terjadi sesuai harapan semua Pioner, Salam Damai tetap semangat 🫰💪💪💪
Semoga semua dilancarkan dn ofen mainet terlaksana
Stuck at the stage 8 long time ago... When will pass
대중 매체 광고가 필요 합니다.아직도 1000만명 밖에 브라우져 열지 않았습니다❤
Different wallet address in mainnet automatically how to change.
I have loss my pi token.
My migrate to Maine still unverified 😢even after completing 7 steps ? When it completes?
Step 8 Mera abhi bhi panding hai jabki March 2023 ko kyc submit ki thi kab tak step 8 complete hoga
Already done the 1-7 but its almost a month but my pi not in my wallet how long?
Hadir Indonesia. Semoga segera open mainet
Hello I wanted to ask a question, but I saw that my question is the same as the others. Why doesn't pie respond? There is only one problem. Why is it not solved? It is surprising!!!!
My pi Network app Deadline to migrate my pi and 136 days left . My pi have phone virfyed but that Sim I didn't have ? Please
Mine has been pending since over a year now, have not accepted my KYC