Thomas Mann books I've read

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Good video name, Interesting video too. Aloha


Excellent selection of great Mann books read. I have not met or heard about many people who have read as many as you outline here. Most of my Comparative Literature students even at an Ivy League University may have some passing knowledge of either Death In Venice or The Magic Mountain and even more rarely both. There's no doubt he seems to have fallen out of favor in academia since my own readings in the late 1970's. I remember stumbling onto a dusty row of his works in a long forgotten corner of my own college's library and being thrilled that here was a writer I discovered for myself. I was no doubt there on other business late at night during a finals week and had taken a break to wander among the stacks. I was ultimately thrilled by Joseph and His Brothers and by a book of Mann's own Collected Diary entries. Later there was an excellent book on his exiled life in Los Angeles. There are also 3 excellent biographies that I've read several times that imply that Mann was not a very nice person.

Just wanted to say Thank You again for highlighting the sometimes off the beaten track writers you focus upon. So unique are your choices that I find myself intrigued and educated on a couple I'm less familiar with. Your videos always come as a very welcomed surprise. I do wish you had more subscribers but don't be discouraged they will come with time. I know I wouldn't miss any of your videos. Be well.


I love “ The magic mountain” read it a few times, in French when I was young and in English later.
Also read Doctor Faustus a long time ago.. I have always wanted to read him again, I love your talking about him, he was a great writer.


Yes! Buddenbrooks! One of my top favorite novels by any writer. I see the story arc a little differently than you do however, namely that story builds up until the Buddenbrook family reaches it peak with the election of Thomas Buddenbrook as Senator and the building of his new mansion. After that, as you say, it's a story of decline. I was also a little surprised that you don't mention Thomas's brother Christian as a major character.


I loved Felix Krull when I was a kid!

Are you familiar with Andre Gide’s short, fast-moving, joyful riff on the theme of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, which is called LES CAVES DU VATICAN?
