The Elder Scrolls Online is Unrecognizable in 2023

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I was playing like it was single player game. Simply turning up the in-game music (which is insanely good) and ambient sounds, listening to every voice line, immersing myself into the world of Tamriel. Frankly, one of the best MMO experiances I have ever had (and I had tons). Game with flaws, but it's a diamond, no doubt.


Eso for me is the most immersive game I've ever played. I truly feel like i can jump in and live out my fantasy dream of being some adventurer travelling around the land. I'm a solo player and it doesnt feel like it hinders me at all, just feels like an incredibly dense elder scrolls game.


ESO has been a great game for a long time, but the combat just doesn't cut it for me. It's a real shame because the storytelling, the immersion and world building... all fantastic. But the combat just really lets it down.


Unless you 'only' grind endgame, i feel like the amount of content is almost endless.
The amount of solo arenas, challenges, trials, questlines that genuinely are well written and not just a wall of text.. it's an amazing game to get lost in time with.


I played The Elder Scrolls Online for six months in 2014, left until 2017 when I heard about the upcoming Vvardenfell expansion, and I've been playing ever since. They've done a great job supporting the game and it's amazing how much they've added to it over the years. You did a superb job summarizing a decade of progress in less than 25 minutes. Time flies!

Of all the tweaks, I think my favorite was the One Tamriel level-scaling. Since all loot scales to your level as well, you can actually obtain any gear set at max level. So if you loved that light armor set in the first base-game zone, you can still rock that armor set. It's still relevant. Just have to farm some pieces at quality level CP 160. It's much better than having to constantly upgrade to the next expansion's new hotness on an endless gear treadmill. So much friendlier (unless you're a hardcare PVP / PVE bloke that just has to milk every last .1% damage out of your build. Then you're always chasing the newest meta. :-P )


I love this game, as a solo player this game is Epic in scale and I'm still working through content and I play regularly every year


I've played pretty much every major MMO on the market since Ultima Online and Everquest. Elder Scrolls Online is by far my favorite for immersion, character customization and just pure quantity of things to do. I just keep coming back to it! Possibly one of the most relaxing wandering / harvesting MMO settings also. Oh and let's not forget, you can be a werewolf or a vampire, and both are valid - not just cosmetic but with entire skill sets!


I wish they’d update and build more on imperial city/sewers. It was the best DLC and game mode and area for me fun and replayability wise. I just wish they’d update the rewards and add more areas and objectives to give incentive to go back


I've been playing this game lately to have something to do till starfield. One thing of note is that when I started a new character, the starting zones are absolutely PACKED. It's crazy how many people are still playing this game.


I really loved this MMO, but they did the player base so dirty and straight up lied to us. Every update broke the game, major updates made it unplayable for weeks to months at a time. I sank thousands of hours into this mmo. When a friend convinced me to log back in I was immediately hit with a loot box ad, where one of the top prizes was the frost mare.. one of the horses they sold the first month the game release.. one of the cosmetics they specifically stated would never come back after the sale period. For some reason i had loot box credit and opened a couple to be given high tier mats. I immediately logged out. Fuck this game and fuck this company. I'm sad because I really liked ESO.


Iv played since release and still play it to this day..Most days..Iv taken 6 months break in between years here and there..But always come back to it..Watching this has took me back..What a journey it was..And still having fun with it..What a great game for me this has to be one of my all time favourites


I lived in ESO 2014 to 2021, amazing game even in the early days. Took a break and struggled to get back into it after all the epic times but Arcanist class has rekindled my fire. I just there for PvP really but its still amazing and populated PvP. Game has been PvE focused for years so that side is even stronger.


This is one of those MMO's that just keeps bringing you back. The first RPG I had ever played in my life (besides The Legend of Zelda) was Morrrowind, so when this mmo came out I absolutely had to play it and still love it to this day. I recently came back about a month ago after about a year hiatus and while I admittedly had trouble getting into the Warden class in the past I decided to give it another go and created an Imperial Two-Handed Warden. I am happy to report I have been having a blast with him and he is now my main. Such a fantastic game that is absolutely worth trying and definitely worth subbing to.


I wish I liked the combat more, it always felt so massively clunky to me.
And the whole animation cancel/light/heavy attacks are just awful, to me.


Beside GW 2 Eso is my go to MMO. It is a real RPG that you totally can play Solo, have Group Activities if you wish and even Big PvP Fraction battles. It is just chill and you always have a goal to chase .


ESO is what brought me here way back when you were heavily covering the game prior to launch, I was so hyped for it and despite the lukewarm reception it got at release, I had a bunch of fun! Continued to play the game on and off for years, but haven't been properly back to it since the Summerset content. If I had more time I'd definitely check out Necrom, hopefully somewhere down the road.


Wonderful game from the beginning. Love the story, the world, quests, classes, dungeons, and pvp. Great expansions. I stopped playing a few years ago due to life but no shortage of love and respect for this game. Best mmo.


The DLC pack “The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later” is my favorite!


I've played this game non-stop since the beta and I've recently quit. The game has become nothing more than a cash grab. Devs take months or sometimes even years to fix bugs, meanwhile, shutting down the servers to fix a bug in the cash shop the same day it pops up. They have abandoned the pvp community, even banning the term "pvp" in their live streams. They don't allow you to obtain cosmetics or mounts in game, only through loot boxes which cost an absurd amount of money. I won't even get into the money trap that is the ESO Plus system. I used to love this game but the devs have pushed a lot of us long time fans past the breaking point. I can't give them another penny or another moment of my time. If you're considering this game, please don't. The devs are not worth you hard earned money or your valuable time. Sorry Force, love your channel but a sponsored video doesn't show the true nature of this game.


I come back to the game every two years. If you are a PvP player, you can forget about ESO. They essentially openly said that pvp is the least of their concerns. There's been no new pvp content in over 6 years.
