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This is a prophetic Word the Lord spoke to me about the next 40 days leading up to our country’s decision for you know what!

I believe major things are going to be happening! It’s time to get in the ark because it’s about to rain! God has said enough is enough with all the evil and wicked in this world and He’s going to be taking them out and at the same time those same flood waters will lift up Gods people! He is coming with power and glory, the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of His glory.

The whole world will be in wonder and great fear of who God is and what He does for His people. He jealously protects those who love Him!

Scripture reference Genesis 7, Psalms 37:17 & Psalms37

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During this time, For protection Do Not neglect to apply the Blood of Jesus over yourself, family, friends, house, neighborhood, etc...


I breed Egyptian Arabians. On Aug 26 a miracle filly was born to a 27yr old barren mare. We didn’t know she was pregnant until a month prior— a week after I had to put down the father at 28. Very odd, very God. The day she was born her 3yr old sister broke her leg and had to be euthanized (that is a whole story too). Weird stuff… so I went searching for a name for the babythrough the number 826, the day of birth. It means to shine forth in Greek He landed me on the Hebrew name Eliora. It means God is my light. We Call her Ellie”. I stumbled on this video for confirmation.


The new heaven and earth is coming down. Not flying up to heaven


Lord have mercy on our wayward kids teetering on the fence! 🛐❤️🛐🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


I believe this will be a time of gathering together and seeking God in repentance and forgiving all others, a time of reflection of what is important to God, a time of trusting Him.


The Lord has been working with me to heal my heart and straighten me out emotionally, and I've felt so much closer to Him. And I've been in such a great mood lately. I think I'm connecting in my own way with what you're talking about. 🙌❤️😊


When you were talking about the number 17 it was at the 17 minute mark on your video! You can't make this stuff up!


Hello everybody, ‼️
I am looking for a Godly wife.
Please pray for me
Warm regards,
Love from India 🇮🇳


Heard from another prophet recently as well and it was also related the election, 40 days, etc. God Is good, He is absolutely good, He is too good to be true, yet His name IS truth, He is a good God, He is good;He is better than you think, He is just that good!

Disaster prophesied in all Great Lakes states (Celestial Revivale)


I just confronted my son and his girlfriend who are living together today. I had no intention to talk to them but God had other plans. It’s Joe and Jessica if anyone feels lead to pray for them.❤🙏🙏


Love this video!

The October '24 thru March '25 timeframe will be extremely challenging. Expect extreme weather, the New Madrid fault rupture, terrorist attacks inside the US, massive food shortages in the US, WWWIII like events in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, NY Stock Market crash, shutdown of the US economy, an even deadlier pandemic (yes, another man-made disease), poisoning of some water systems in the US, possibly a physical invasion of the US by the Chinese (they want US farmland to feed their people), etc. For some people, it'll be completely overwhelming.

But the truly big event, the Extinction Level Event (ELE) you are dreaming about is something different. It is a physical Pole Shift. This is what the elites all know about, but you don’t know about. This is why the elites have all built underground bunkers for themselves and their families. This Pole Shift will happen in 2026 (most likely) or 2027. Pole Shifts are real, ice ages are man-made fakeryEvery 3, 600 years Planet Nibiru (aka Planet X) swings thru our solar system and sometimes it does a close fly-by of the Earth, which causes a Pole Shift. The last Pole Shift was 10, 500 years ago, the time of Moses. The Pole Shift that took place at that time shut down the Egyptian system just long enough for the Hebrews to escape.

Planet Nibiru is currently sitting between the the Earth and creeping closer every day by approximately 6, 000 miles each day. When it gets closer it will do a fly-by of the Earth. Planet Nibiru is 24 times more massive than the Earth. Planets are like large magnets floating in space and Planet Nibiru is a much more powerful magnet. As it passes by, it will magnetically grab the large iron deposit in the Atlantic Rift and cause the crust of the Earth to separate from the core and then tip over 90 degrees and stay there. On the day of the Pole shift (biblical great and terrible Day of the LORD) 60% of the population will perish due to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Over the following three years another 30% will perish due to disease and starvation.


Wow. You been working those shoulders. Congratulations!!


Yahs children are in the wilderness right now living in tents completely sanctified from Egypt/world. There will be a 2nd exodus soon.


Psalms 37 a must read - Sword of the Spirit


Blessings dear one!! Thank u for this post


Wow! Over the summer I asked God how long will these days of darkness last and I heard Him say 40 days! Also I listened to this when it was first posted and I'm listening again, since watching the first time all day I've seen the name Ellie appear everywhere! Thank you for sharing I hope things get started soon! God bless!
P.S. Your dog is cute!


The LORD is so GOOD! And you are AMAZING 😀. I receive this and stand in agreement. Healing, cleaning storms are upon us! Thank you ABBA!!!
Abundant Blessings in Jesus Christ. `fritz (south texas)


The pope declared a 7 yr covenant on the 73 anniversary of Yisrael and then confirmed it on the Feast of Trumpets in 2021 fulfilling Dan 9 27 and the Fig Tree Generation of Psalms 90 10.


My sister I believe the rapture is a teaching from the Holy Spirit, I have believed for 40 years that there would be a day We would leave . Until the world came into ruins like no other time in history, it was revealed to me we are warriors not people who run or wait to leave . The church has a hard time of believing that and I believe un belief step in and there calls a people to shout out to tell the church to be prepare to fight the good fight of faith in the Word of truth given by the Holy Spirit . This is message in this great awakening time for the great commission of salvation leading up to His second coming. In the meantime teach, preach and walk in humility knowing you know nothing but to be obedience like Noah .


I NEED to keep in mind what you just said, God will take out the wicked because I’m seriously having a hard time dealing with them! 😩🙏🏻✝️
