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Craig Douglas
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The fact that you're struggling a little bit this year is actually making me more keen to see each episode and watch your journey of 'figuring it out'. Great content and feels more relatable as someone who admittedly plays LOADS, but isn't particularly good either. Keep figuring it out anyway man, good to watch.


loving the RTG this year, havent watched much 'fifa' content for the last few years but ive been loving how attached you can be to non meta cards getting upgraded and evo'ed from your favourite club


i think they should add a mix player pack as a reward for every game. 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze and 1 rare all untradeable . You're not likely to pack someone but there is the chance. Also imagine the league sbc grind. There would be no bronze pack grind it would be playing the game to complete the sbcs. Just think this would cause everyone to play the game none stop for the rest of the game cycle. things like this would make people play the game way more a shame ea can't think of ideas like this.


Been loving the rtg nep was really annoyed yesterday at the people making fun of you in champs in the stream last night were all human and we all lose. What im trying to say is ignore them you play well take care of yourself bro ❤


Hi Nep, I wanted to ask if you think that people are too fixated nowadays on winning and sacrifice having fun just to win. This fut champs almost everyone I played against played down the line and cut back and I just couldn’t see how they had fun doing that. But then I realised that even though it may not have looked fun, they were still scoring from it. By no means am I saying going down the line is illegal but when attacking I’m always looking to go through the middle and change things up. It seems that people only have one option nowadays which is down the line I just wanted your view because I’ve seen you play great fifa through the middle but also you resort to a lot of cutbacks yourself simply because it is the most efficient way to score. Do you enjoy playing down the line? Do you think it is ea’s fault as to why it is so op to go down the line? Keep up the good work man


Hey Nep been a big fan of the channel for many years now . I just wanted to say thanks for keeping the content coming and offloading your opinions knowing it will cause some controversy in the comments .
I really wish tournaments would make a return so us menu grinders and offline players can enjoy the game some more, i do play rivals and champs but only the bare minimum as my pack luck is trash and I’m struggling to even get fodder, also I love the arsenal evo rtg it’s nice to watch a YouTuber relate to the struggle of the everyday casual player it’s really encouraging for us to know we are not alone in this struggle and this disadvantage of the non meta players I think would make you a better player in the long run having to pass move and play possession, sorry it’s a long comment first time putting a comment In but keep up the amazing work your rtg to some of us is something we look forward too keep your opinions coming they are valid and valued thank you peace out ( PEN REF )


I think you're right in regards to the player packs. Bronzes and Silvers have so much potential with evolutions and yet there is no real source of them bar the awful store packs or having to snipe an extinct card.


Great content and loving the commitment. Get in Martinez over Ramsdale for a bit of an upgrade and keeps within the theme


First of all Nep loving the content, been watching for years and you’ve inspired me to try follow my dream of content creating. For me you are far too quick to judge, you constantly changing formations, players and tactics and not giving yourself enough time to play through the rough patches. I find playing champs better all in one go if you’re playing well otherwise you run the risk of when picking up the controller next time not being as good. I think you just need to relax a bit more mate. Keep up the good work ❤


Hey Nep, been a long term subscriber, even remember when you recorded with your dog snoring in the background. Your RTG inspired me to do my own with my favourite team Sporting CP. Whilst it’s annoying losing to meta players, and having players run past Coates and my wingers not having more that’s 80 pace. There’s nothing better than beating a meta team with my own little sporting team. Loving the content man keep it up


hi nep, in reference to dribbling i do think in and around the opponents box, getting used to just L1 dribbling is so good as it keeps the ball so close and you get the acceleration boost when you push off with the sprint. A lot more broken than R1


This is the first weekend ever where I have had 0 quits on qualifications or finals


Genuinely think this is one of the best RTG you have done! Think it gets a bit repetitive when it’s all about having the best and meta players. I have a Villa evo RTG and it’s the most fun I’ve had on this game in a long while, I may lose a lot more games than normal but for me I’d rather have that than just winning with a meta team with no end reward but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️ keep doing you 🤙🏻


Bro the refs went from giving reds for a touch to not even giving a foul for a Brexit tackle


I am waiting for the moment he finally packs Viera after committing to the evolution. It'll be a classic EA moment.


Dude griddys on Nep on the 94th min after Nep griddys on him all game Nep was up 4-2 but still pauses, the s***housery is hilarious 😅


I’m doing a man United only rtg and can safely say it’s the most fun I’ve had playing UT in years and I’ve been playing since FUT started


Love watching your content

And as an arsenal fan, love watching some of the players get playtime with your team

For the RB evolution, have you ever thought of using Cedric for it?

Also, ever wonder maybe building a past and present arsenal team, using some of the icons and hero cards with the current arsenal evo cards?


My fav formation is 4-1-2-1-2 with left and right mid. It's always my fav formation as I like 2 strikers. Love the series as always. Love the fact your not being a meta sweat


Honestly nep i don’t agree with the comments about seeing the best most meta players on the rtg. Every year since fifa 18 I’ve always done my best to play with a Liverpool past & present team. I May lose more than I would with the meta players but I’m playing with players that I’m a fan of. Just yesterday I played an opponent who evolved Alex Roldán. He’s the captain of my national team. When I see things like that I enjoy the game more because we see some actual creativity. What fun do I have running Into the same 15 gold players back to back to back. Back to the point I enjoy watching you try your hardest with the arsenal players because they mean something to you. I evolved Darweezy Matip and gravenberch and they are staples in my team regardless if they cost me or not. I’m having the same issue as you with viera as I want to evolve Harvey Elliot but no luck so far. Keep up the good work
