5 Reasons why your Corn plant leaves turning yellow and brown

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The leaves on your Corn plant could be turning yellow and brown for a number of reasons. In this video we will find 5 reasons behind Corn plant leaves turning brown.

5 Reasons why your Corn plant leaves turning yellow and brown -

#5 Not Watering Your Plant Enough

Underwatering will cause the plant’s soil to be dry and the leaves to crisp up and crumble when
you touch them.

#4 Dry Air Damages Leaves.

If the air is too dry, you will likely see browning leaf tips and
yellowing in your Dracaena plants.

#3 Low Humidity Levels

Dracaena plants are sensitive to the humidity levels of the room you
keep them in. these plants prefer to be kept at high humidity levels.

#2 Overwatering Causes Fungal Infections.

Overwatering is the most common cause of houseplant problems across the board.
Plants Become droopy and yellow.

#1 Pest Infestation

Spider mites, mealybugs and scale can move fast if your plant is weak. Infestation
by these sap sucking pests is yet another cause of yellowing leaves.

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