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Dandy's World is a Roblox Horror game! A Mascot Horror Survival Multiplayer game that's now been UPDATED, with NEW TOONS (CHARACTERS) and MAPS!

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Cheridet thank you so much for listening to my suggestion!❤ and I see u saw Shelly! Yeah people say her growls sound gurgly and wet- she puts confused on ur head to let u know she’s here, and I think it’s also to lower your extraction speed to 50%.


You are good at this, you got 3 machines done with Shelly, that’s really good!


Hi, I wanted to explain what all the new and old twisteds do so you can catch up a little.
First of all, line of sight = the radius whichin a twisted can see you. Attention Span= How long it takes for a twisted to stop chasing you after you break their line of sight by hiding behind an object.

The commons.

Boxten and Poppy.
These two twisteds don’t have any special abilities and have an avarage like of sight and attention span. You’ll see them A LOT.

Has a large line of sight and a longer attention span, but is slower. He is a bully after all, goodluck hiding from him.

She will stop in her tracks to clean for around 10 seconds. Meaning she can camp areas like machines, in the middle of the map, near the elevator, etc. For the rest she has an average line of sight and attention span. You might be wondering: “Why does she take so long to clean one spot?” My theory is that it’s because her feather duster is all dirty from the Ichor she’s infected with.

The uncommons.

This twisted will increase the chances of a blackout on the floor she’s on, but she has a very obvious red light surrounding her. She has an average line of sight and attention span. It’s quite funny how she’s a lamp, yet she always messes with the lights.

RazzleDazzle (RD).
This twisted will have a radius around them while they sleep in the center of it. If you sprint in the radius they will wake up and attack you unless you are behind a wall. The radius will be marked by red veins. Oh and if they spawn near a machine, prepare to go through Hell and back if another twisted sees you.

Rodger will disguise himself as a research capsule. You can tell if it’s him if the research capsules doesn’t have any metal scraps at the center. If you interact with the fake one he will slow you down by 75% and attack you if you’re near him. For the rest he’s pretty harmless.

This twisted will steal about 45 tapes if she hits you because she’s consumed with greed. She has an average line of sight and attention span.

Toodles is way faster than any of the common and uncommon toons, but has a shorter line of sight and attentionspan (bassically the oppisite of Shrimpo), she’s also very difficult to see during blackouts thanks to her very dark design, making her a threat during them.

The Rares.

Scraps has a large line of sight radius (same as shrimpo) and will apptempt to hit you from a range with her tail. If you get hit she’ll be stunned but you’ll lose a heart. If she misses she’ll chase after you but she runs very slowly. The ranged attack has a cooldown before she’ll again try to attack you.

Goob, like his sister scraps will try to attack you from a range, but will also pull you towards him if he hits you, making you waste more stamina to get away. For the rest, he’s the exact same as Scraps.

Flutter is the fastest non-main character twisted. She roams around the map just as fast as she chases after you, meaning she can get from point a to z real quick. For the rest she has an average attentionspan and line of sight.

The mains.
We all know and hate him. Pebble can see you from almost across the map and has an even bigger attentionspan then Shrimpo, while also being faster then Flutter when chasing you. Stay away from him at all costs.

Vee will make advertisements pop up on your screen every 45 seconds or if she sees you. When she does see you she’ll also slow you down by 50%. She will also run to your machine from anywhere on the map if you miss a skillcheck.

Astro is very sleepy, so sleepy he makes you so tired, when he sees you he’ll make you regenerate stamina 75% slower. Additionally when you mess up a machine, if he runs to it he’ll take about fifth away from the progress.

Shelly is outraged because of how forgetten she is. Infact she’s so forgetten, when she spawns she’ll make every toon on the floor confused, probably because they don’t know who she is, making them do machines 50% slower. She’s also just as fast as Pebble but has an average attentionspan and line of sight.

The mains will also emit unique footstep sounds. Pebble will growl while he stomps around, barking when he gets into chase with a Toon. Vee will stomp around aswell, but it sounds more robotic. She makes a static like sound when she chases someone. Astro walks around, emitting sounds that sound awfully familiar to a grandfather clock in my opinion. Shelly will snarl and growl a bit quieter then Pebble, her footsteps sounding like with every step she takes, she’s stepping on sand, in my opinion.

That’s all, sorry for the essay, but it’s worth the reading!


“As you can see, I’ve played a lot.”
*2 minutes later*
“So, I’m kind of new to this game so I don’t know the rooms..”
She prob bought the Ichor from the start.


11:47 That scream was personal💀🤚
Thanks for hearting my comment Cheridet :D


If you chase by the twisted version use any objections like a table and run in circles after that the twisted version stop chasing 😊


Omg first! Cherdict your my favorite!!


0:07 the font makes me read it as *growls cutely*


I'll tell you some tips

Bandage gives you one heart med kit gives you all the hearts you need

The rest of the items is speed

Jumper cable speeds up the machine

Press skill check if your filling up the machine if you missed it the twisted

Twisted dandy hits you one shot

Twisted goob grabs you is annoying

Twisted scraps is also annoying

Get the rest from the information

Research can give you 2 ICHOR

Done filling up the machine give you 5 ICHOR

Use code ICHOR to get 50 ichor


I think one of the new rooms are a dinner/kitchen also I just started playing dandy’s world today!


Shelly can boost the extraction speed of other toons by 15 or 75% for 10 seconds and gain 10% more speed when any machine is completed for 10 seconds


Tip:if you want to get the twisteds research and get their trinkets use Rodger the magnifying glass and I would recommend you to get into a random team because if ur solo it’s gonna be slow, you want light do Brightney and if u want a faster extraction use Rodger to get twisted shelly(one of the new twisted/toons) and then get Shelly because she can make working faster, but of u have a vee on ur team ur gonna go very fast with Shelly and last of all if u wanna go fast get the speed shoes trinket from dandy’s shop in lobby and dog plushie from twisted toodles the 8 ball get the research and then get scraps how u get her is get 50% on twisted goob(one who pulls you to him) and then get 3 mastery’s for scraps and 1750 to get goob so that you can distract without using ur stamina


Everyone sing the song you already know yall! Big back big back!-


I love your vids they make me so happy




The minute I saw her buy shrimpoo I was like:

You messed up bad💀


I like you Cheridet and your channel!, I watched you since 2021! I don’t know if it a long time to you but ya❤!


Cheridet, So Twisted Shrimpo Actually Is VERY SLOW. so feel free to make him chase you :)


In 4 days of playing this I’ve mastered poppy got Rodger mastered toodles and have 500+ ichors! I HAVE TISHA AND TEAGAN NOW ASWELL AS 12 RESEARCH ON TWISTED DANDY!!! I’m good at thisss guess who’s back for an update ME! :D so now I have scraps, Goob, brightney and flutter 30 research on dandy and 1.7k Ichor aswell as every twisted trinket all for dandy and the mains my most main Research is Shelly with 56% and I’m obsessed with dandy’s world


Cheridet!! How did you get so much ichor?! It took me a week to get rodger XD @Cheridet
The more toons in an elevator, the harder the twisteds.

tips: There are canisters! they tell you what toons there are in the floor, and help you master twisteds.. You get trinkets if you get 100% research.

(2: Rodger, he appears in false canisters.
They do not have rings/movie tapes

(3. Trinkets help with speed, skillcheck speed, ect.

(4: an easy one.. Boxten makes an eerie lullaby sound when twisted.

(5. When you get a skillcheck wrong, it alerts twisteds.

(6. Some twisteds can boost to get to you! Like goob, who pulls you.. And scraps, his sister, who goes TO you.

(7. The further in, the more chances there are for blackouts. You get more skillcheck machines.. And twisteds.

(8. Main toons are very hard to buy, and are rare as twisteds.

(9. If you do not buy from Dandy's shop..
then he becomes twisted after stage 3 of not buying.

(10. Tisha has an ability to make all toons faster for 10 seconds.. She's extremely fast!

(11. Shrimpo is more on the side of the slow twisteds. Goob can easily out-walk him.

(12. If you get chased by a twisted, it's path changes.

(13. Goob is one of the fastest toons!

Reply if u need more tips!!
