Forging Feather Damascus By Hand

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Thin pieces of 1095 and 15n20 are pattern welded by hand to make feather damascus! Tendonitis happened. I already have thoughts on how to make a larger billet with slightly less effort. Sorry about the length of this video there was a lot to share! Is this how Ws and feather damascus are really made? Best I can tell but I could be way off so be nice.

Special thanks to Jonathan Estep & Holden Murphey.

This videos content is copyrighted and may not be reused, published or distributed without my express, written permission.

Dude, the white images used to illustrate how the Damascus was coming together worked brilliantly. I'm sure that as the craftsman you see all the flaws as bright as day, but as a consumer, as a knife collector, I think the knife came out looking incredible. Truly gorgeous.


This dude at 4:30 : "I have 2 options, I can either continue forging without a canister or I could make a new canister, I decided to forge without a canister"

Me, knowing nothing about blacksmithing: Yeah that's a good call, it's what I would've done


You, sir, are a hero for doing feather without a power hammer or a press. And you ended up with a fine pattern in both blades. Kudos. Clyde


"You gotta draw some pictures, man, some of us are morons."

I felt that.


I love how honest this project is. No power hammer. No corner cutting. Just clean quality work and an excellent work product. Great video.


HOLY F&*K. For once I am able to understand when somebody is explaining what they will do with their work to make the patterns when forging.

Thank you for the drawings!

I think you don’t give yourself enough credit those knives look great!! Thanks for sharing..


I've been knife smithing for about three years. I wholeheartedly agree with the forum comment. I'm one of the morons that needs pictures. I decided to tackle feather after I got my press and your video is the best instruction set I've seen on the process both due to presentation and the diagram you drew. I've probably watched it about ten times to fully visualize the process.


A double edged dagger type of knife with that pattern of Damascus would look absolutely amazing


THANK YOU FOR SHARING. I learned how to forge Damascus from my Grand Father, (from Lebanon). He made gun parts, and knives for the army, however, I must say you have taken me to higher label. Your explanations and persistence reminds me of him, thank you, keep up the excellent work because you ARE GOOD and have a good day.


I dont know how i got here but im happy i did. Your style or narration coupled with the diagrams makes your video extremely interesting, especially for someone who knows absolutely nothing about this fine art, such as myself. It is a testament to your self awareness, in that not all folks have this type of knowledge and for you to make it relateable was truly a pleasant surprise. thank you. sub'd


Mate if you don’t make it as a knife maker I think you have a future in making documentaries and short films. You make an excellent Youtube video. Always enjoyable and interesting to watch. Excellent video and commentary. 👍🏻


Sir, you are a true artist and craftsman. I love your attitude. I was glad to see you get a press in another video. Swinging a hammer for hours on end does a real number on your body. Incredible blades, love the diagrams and explanations. Thank you, appreciate the many many hours.


Out of all the YouTube videos I’ve watched on people making various things, this was the most well constructed video I’ve seen. Absolutely superb! I’m not a blacksmith, but you have my subscription. What a pleasure!


I watch a man from the Ukraine on YouTube forge Damascus and he experiments using all types of odd pieces of iron.

Your ability to produce that pattern with a hammer and your what appears to be your garage...just phenomenonal!!!

Gorgeous, a work of art.


What i really like about you, dude, is that you're not afraid of making mistakes and/or missteps. That is the prerequisite quality for being a very successful individual. I think that to any man, your videos must be absolutely relaxing and inspiring. They are to me for sure. Beautiful work. A piece of art.


The reason I like your videos way more than Alec Steele’s is that you’re relatable, you do everything with an amazing quality without there being 30 billion dollars worth of equipment and it inspires me to continue working the craft.

(Not to say Alec doesn’t do great work, he’s just super unrelatable


If you ever decide to go with a Press, which I finally decided to do this year. I chose ‘Coal Iron Works’ ~ 16 Ton Forging Press. Absolutely incredible! I’ve had my Press about 3 months or so, and it’s completely changed the shop. The time it takes to move metal is unbelievable. It’s definitely been a game changer in what I’m able to accomplish, especially for customers. It’s certainly a great investment. When you’re finished using it, just roll it aside out of the way! They even delivered it FREE OF CHARGE! It’s certainly a case by case decision, but I felt I needed one and I could not be happier! Keep up the Great Work!!!


I really like how you talked through the learning curves you experienced. For me it makes for a better understanding of the process as a whole.


Everytime you said "well, there is a problem" I screamed at screen NO THERE IS NONE THIS IS BEAUTIFULLLL. Your perfeccionism and humour inspires me. Cheers from Brazil.
