Israel's Wound

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Since its establishment in 1948, the tiny state of Israel has known only violence and suffering. Jewish attempts at peace have failed every time, leading only to bloodshed. Discover the self-inflicted cause of Israel’s deadly wound, as revealed in your Bible.
The nation of Israel was founded on faith in 1948. It has achieved many miracle victories in its fight for survival against hateful neighbors. Winning wars meant security and peace. But eventually, the Jews got tired of fighting. As world opinion began to turn against them, they decided to implement a deadly solution: promising real land for fake peace.
Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy to expose Israel’s wound: the fruitless peace process. As the Jews continue to forfeit territory to terrorists in the name of peace, you are witnessing the dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy! Who besides God Himself could have predicted that a nation once full of valiant warriors would choose national suicide through negotiation?
Study Jerusalem in Prophecy to understand why the Jews have lost their fighting spirit. Learn who they will trust as a peacekeeping force in Jerusalem at their moment of greatest desperation. Prove that the Jews are about to be stunned by the heinous betrayal of this supposed ally. Discover the only way to lasting peace.
Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Hosea foretold the land-for-peace process between the Jews and the terrorists. The little nation of Israel is not nearly as powerful and secure as it once was—and the peace process is to blame. By the inspiration of God, Hosea guaranteed that the Jewish, British, and American peoples would fall together in this end time. You need to read and heed this sobering warning!
Study Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind to learn why our nations are being punished by God—and how they will soon be blessed beyond belief by Him.
You will also receive a free copy of our booklet History and Prophecy of the Middle East. Your Bible is remarkably accurate, describing specific rulers, empires, and events over the course of thousands of years. In particular, the biblical book of Daniel focuses on one region more than any other: the Middle East. You can know what will happen in Jerusalem and the surrounding area as we speed toward the return of Jesus Christ!
Study History and Prophecy of the Middle East to discover how the biblical book of Daniel reveals the modern powers that will soon clash for control of Jerusalem. Prove who will win World War 3.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Jerusalem in Prophecy, Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind, and History and Prophecy of the Middle East. Order now!
The nation of Israel was founded on faith in 1948. It has achieved many miracle victories in its fight for survival against hateful neighbors. Winning wars meant security and peace. But eventually, the Jews got tired of fighting. As world opinion began to turn against them, they decided to implement a deadly solution: promising real land for fake peace.
Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy to expose Israel’s wound: the fruitless peace process. As the Jews continue to forfeit territory to terrorists in the name of peace, you are witnessing the dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy! Who besides God Himself could have predicted that a nation once full of valiant warriors would choose national suicide through negotiation?
Study Jerusalem in Prophecy to understand why the Jews have lost their fighting spirit. Learn who they will trust as a peacekeeping force in Jerusalem at their moment of greatest desperation. Prove that the Jews are about to be stunned by the heinous betrayal of this supposed ally. Discover the only way to lasting peace.
Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Hosea foretold the land-for-peace process between the Jews and the terrorists. The little nation of Israel is not nearly as powerful and secure as it once was—and the peace process is to blame. By the inspiration of God, Hosea guaranteed that the Jewish, British, and American peoples would fall together in this end time. You need to read and heed this sobering warning!
Study Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind to learn why our nations are being punished by God—and how they will soon be blessed beyond belief by Him.
You will also receive a free copy of our booklet History and Prophecy of the Middle East. Your Bible is remarkably accurate, describing specific rulers, empires, and events over the course of thousands of years. In particular, the biblical book of Daniel focuses on one region more than any other: the Middle East. You can know what will happen in Jerusalem and the surrounding area as we speed toward the return of Jesus Christ!
Study History and Prophecy of the Middle East to discover how the biblical book of Daniel reveals the modern powers that will soon clash for control of Jerusalem. Prove who will win World War 3.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Jerusalem in Prophecy, Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind, and History and Prophecy of the Middle East. Order now!