PM Modi in US: US Pushes Indian Ocean Dialogue to Tackle China | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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PM Modi in US: US Pushes Indian Ocean Dialogue to Tackle China | Vantage with Palki Sharma

For the first time, the US and India will engage in a dialogue focused on the Indian Ocean, a region of increasing strategic importance amid China’s growing influence. US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell revealed the upcoming talks during a congressional hearing, highlighting the need for closer cooperation between the two nations. The White House, Department of Defence, and State Department are expected to participate, discussing mutual concerns and potential collaboration in the Indo-Pacific.
This comes ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US. Palki Sharma tells you more.


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Your delivery has enhanced ten fold by taking full stop after each sentence. You are the best, no doubt.


Jai Hind and let's make India stronger and stronger


I can't even imagine what a personality modi is...he's the greatest...🎉


India wants to tackle china, but on the other hand, the US is looking for all possible options to destabilize India especially the current government. India should have some Plan B to tackle the US with similar Cards. The US won't allow India to have an upper edge .


Keep up the good work Palki. Let the bots try their best to deceive you but we are all here with you.


As an Indian and nationalist. If I get the option to choose between China and the USA (NATO), then I would choose China because China will respect the partnership boundary, but the superiority complex suffering countries like the USA and EU will never respect your boundaries. They will poke their nose in your internal matters.


INDIA makes freedom next Gen. With Kingdom of Peace.


Deep down in this dear girls heart is a feeling that if India and China got along together much greatness can be achieved. She knows the US only wants good for itself and complete subservience from others.


Double snake head better withdraw from Brics


India ( Mr Modi ) is a smart cookie . My utmost respect to Mr Modi . 🙏🏻🇺🇸


India's richest 1% of the population owns 40% of the country's wealth, and the richest 10% own 77%. Based on this, we can do a calculation using the total GDP to estimate income distribution.
India's total GDP for 2024 is $4 trillion, with the average income (GDP per capita) being $2857 per year.
Top 1 % own 40% of the wealth, that is $1.6 trillion, and shared by 14 million people, with income for them is $114, 286 a year per person.
If 77% of the wealth goes to the top 10%, that amount is $4 trillion x 77% =$3.08 trillion, among it, $1.6 trillion is already taken by top 1%, so it is $3.08 trillion- $1.6 trillion= $1.48 trillion, shared by 9% of India population, to make it for this group to have $11746 per person per year.
The remaining $920 billion (23% of GDP) is shared by the rest of the population, which is 1.26 billion people (1.4 billion total population minus the 0.14 billion in the top 10%).
Now, dividing this $920 billion by 1.26 billion people gives $730 per year per person
Thus, the bottom 90% of India's population has an average income of about $730 per year, far lower than the national average GDP per capita of $2857. The real income for many would be even lower due to wealth concentration at the top.
From the calculation we know, for 90% of the Indian population, 1.26 billion people, the income is $2 a day.
The United Nations defines poverty as an income of less than $2 per day, and the international poverty line is set at $2.15 per day. so that 90% of the Indian population live under the UN poverty line on average, certainly among 90% some got higher income, some got much lower, this is just on average.


Why should India help the US in any way when the US Undermining India's safety by Harbouring Indian Criminals .?? Rather we should Mend our relationship with China and Sign the Border agreement.


Congratulations 🎉 World's Peaceful Fantastic Prime minister Mr Narendra Modi of India
Visit USA


Murica when Indian PM visits America: 😊
Murica when Indian PM visits Russia: 😡


Welcome india as 3rd economic power in the world thanks two.


India the new Ukraine .usa always plan the future 5yrs


India will tackle China then what about Brics.modi is like a dalal between Russia and USA.


Hi Palki,

Just don’t create a US base on Indian soul.

It’s had to fathom US is located between two oceans, and I don’t think any country bothers them.

But still, others countries are not allowed to manage the ocean on their side of the continent.

It won’t be just the Indian Ocean, but the Persian gulf, Red Sea and Arabian Sea.


US presence in the Indian Ocean is needed to monitor Middle East conflicts.


Due to recent actions of USA India US relationship has gone down the drain
