Best Dance-off ever! | Dancing sword | D&D Magic Item | #Shorts

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It is time for another Dungeons and Dragons magic item tip: The Dancing Sword! Attacking your enemies with a hovering sword that flies around at your command is pretty stylish! Those orcs won't know what…danced them.

Have any good tales from using the Dancing Sword? Is there another magic item you'd like us to feature? Let us know in the comments!

#Shorts #DungeonsAndDragons #Tips

Have you ever watched Critical Role and marveled at their feats of daring-do as they spin amazing D&D 5e stories? Do you want to spice up your campaigns with Matt Mercer's charm and creativity? Maybe you're excited (like us) about the upcoming Dark Alliance gameplay footage? Our dungeons and dragons guides, tips, tricks, tales, and rules explanations will help you take your dungeoneering to the next level! Stay tuned for our DnD and fantasy shorts and skits, too, for a dose of nerdy humor!

Рекомендации по теме

“Beat dance off ever!” Lol! This would be awesome to have. 🍻Another great video


I would love to have an army of those!


Can warlock pact of the blade or eldritch knights do the summoning thing with it? Summon two weapons at once, throw one of them, and have two attackers on the first round without wasting a action or bonus action (I think the sword is a "use magic item" thing, which isn't an action, right? Or am I wrong?)?
