God Wants You Well: Week 3, Day 5

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Have you or someone you love ever experienced sickness or pain and believed that God has caused it, or perhaps that He is inflicting or allowing it in order to teach a lesson? This is a common misconception of God that the Bible reveals is simply not true.

Many people find it difficult to believe that God truly does want them well. When they suffer personally or perhaps watch a loved one endure sickness and pain, they become discouraged and believe their prayers are not being answered. They then conclude that God must be allowing this to happen, or worse, that He has caused it. Both are wrong, and both bring into question the goodness of God.

In his God Wants You Well teaching, Andrew shares the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace have already provided, including healing. He answers many common questions, including those about Paul’s thorn in the flesh, the sovereignty of God, and more. If you or someone you know is in need of healing, this teaching is for you.

Learn how to walk confidently in the health and healing that God has already provided for you, and see your way of thinking about pain and sickness radically transformed. This life-changing teaching is available in several formats, including book, booklet, study guide, and as a CD and DVD series. We’ve got enough teaching on this topic that if you were to understand it, it would be impossible for you to stay sick!

God Wants You Well products:
- God Wants You Well booklet—FREE
- God Wants You Well book—$15
- God Wants You Well study guide—$35
- God Wants You Well CD series—$50
- God Wants You Well as-seen-on-TV DVD series—$50

Additional products being offered: 
- Healing USB—$85
- Charis Healing University—$499
- Healing Journeys Volumes 1–8—$15 each

Follow Andrew Wommack Ministries on your favorite social platform:

#AndrewWommack #GodWantsYouWell #Healing #Jesus, #Faith, #Bible #HolySpirit
Рекомендации по теме

By the stripes of Jesus I was already healed. Amen 🙌


Andrew, God you are a beautiful instrument in the hands of the Lord. Thank you


Andy is the best Bible teacher. Wish I would have found him 50 years ago.


This right moment Lord healed my daughter’s fever!Alleluyah!!Praise his glorious name!!!


I want to meet you and shake the hand of the man that showed me the Truth that changed my life. 🥺❤️


I take this teaching and say...I am currently single but the word of God says I shall not lack my mate (Isaiah 34:16) and my husband will leave his father and mother and cleave unto me as his wife and we will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:7-8), and we will be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22) in Jesus name, Amen!


This is such a powerful truth, it is liberating. Thank you Andrew!!


Thank you Andrew for teachings. Amen!!!


For real, we need to have a Voice Inflection Bible!
Amazingly Powerful ❤️


I love brother Wommack's tell it like it is ways. So refreshing! / "I guess I could say this nicer...but that's just dummer than a hammer." LOL!!! / Jesus spoke plainly too and people today wouldn't consider it to be nice: Matthew 15:16, "
“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them."....and Matthew 17:17, "Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”


I wonder, does Andrew have a teaching series on "God Already Did It." I don't think he could exhaust all the things we would learn from this one truth. This series has blessed me. Last night, I got hit with severe nausea. I was progressing further into sickness, but instead I remembered all the things Andrew has taught me, and I began to meditate on God's word that I was already healed so this too shall pass. And I fell asleep and woke up a little while later, having broken a sweat, and the nausea completely passed. In the morning, this morning, I have been 100% in health, Amen!!


Thank you for all you do!
Can you teach on inner healing


Healing is something me N my community of friends need. I hv ministerd to them N I'm humbled they've been positive about it. One of my friends has very severe scoliosis. She's 4ft6 but suppose to be 5ft2. She believes she will be healed. I'm so moved.


Amen I RECEIVE this, thank you, most powerful message anybody can speak thank you holy Father 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Makes me wonder about creation. Did everything happen instantly or did it manifest over time?
