How to Paint an Abstract Watercolour

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I thought everyone might be interested in how I might go about painting an abstract watercolour. I think watercolour wet in wet lends itself towards abstraction. One of my favourite paintings is an abstract similar to this that we have in our dining room at home.
This was painted on a full sheet of Rives BFK etching paper 280gsm white (56cm x 76cm)
The colours used were:
Winsor Red
Winsor Blue (red shade)
Mix of Winsor Blue (red shade) and Light Red
And some alizarin crimson in the yoghurt tub
I had not mixed the pigments up in the bowls properly so that is why I had to work the brush with the water sometimes to re-charge the mix.
As you could probably see I used a lot of table salt which soaked up the pigment and created some lovely textures on the page.
I used 2, 3 and 4 inch hake brushes for this painting and a few kids yoghurt tubs to tip the pigment onto.
You could also see that I used the hair dryer to move the pigment in certain directions and cause certain drying lines as I went. If I didn't like something then I sprayed it out again and then continued drying.
Hope you enjoyed this!
I actually really like the end result!
Tony Smibert’s Books for Sale:
My Four Most Popular Videos on Youtube:
Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Tubes:
Winsor and Newton Cotman Tubes (student quality):
If you just want two hogs bristle brushes then the best thing to do is to head to your local art supplies store and buy them there.
Watercolour Paper
Rives BFK etching paper. Probably best to source this from your local store so you can look after the paper and not have it posted unless you are buying a large amount of paper and it will be looked after. There is nothing worse than getting hundreds of sheets all with a indent in them. Having said that you can actually source this paper from amazon:
Some people have been extremely happy with the state of the paper when it arrived (and some not!)
I love this paper it is soft and lights are lifted easily from it.
Equipment Used to Film Each Episode
Friction arms
I thought everyone might be interested in how I might go about painting an abstract watercolour. I think watercolour wet in wet lends itself towards abstraction. One of my favourite paintings is an abstract similar to this that we have in our dining room at home.
This was painted on a full sheet of Rives BFK etching paper 280gsm white (56cm x 76cm)
The colours used were:
Winsor Red
Winsor Blue (red shade)
Mix of Winsor Blue (red shade) and Light Red
And some alizarin crimson in the yoghurt tub
I had not mixed the pigments up in the bowls properly so that is why I had to work the brush with the water sometimes to re-charge the mix.
As you could probably see I used a lot of table salt which soaked up the pigment and created some lovely textures on the page.
I used 2, 3 and 4 inch hake brushes for this painting and a few kids yoghurt tubs to tip the pigment onto.
You could also see that I used the hair dryer to move the pigment in certain directions and cause certain drying lines as I went. If I didn't like something then I sprayed it out again and then continued drying.
Hope you enjoyed this!
I actually really like the end result!
Tony Smibert’s Books for Sale:
My Four Most Popular Videos on Youtube:
Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Tubes:
Winsor and Newton Cotman Tubes (student quality):
If you just want two hogs bristle brushes then the best thing to do is to head to your local art supplies store and buy them there.
Watercolour Paper
Rives BFK etching paper. Probably best to source this from your local store so you can look after the paper and not have it posted unless you are buying a large amount of paper and it will be looked after. There is nothing worse than getting hundreds of sheets all with a indent in them. Having said that you can actually source this paper from amazon:
Some people have been extremely happy with the state of the paper when it arrived (and some not!)
I love this paper it is soft and lights are lifted easily from it.
Equipment Used to Film Each Episode
Friction arms