5 Tips for Beginning Hikers & Backpackers | Best Backpacking Tips 2019

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A lot of great tips here.. very important tips. Hiking speeds are SO important, and a lot of folks begin to hike with people that are experienced and will hike way too fast for the one just starting out. I had to laugh about the sitting down part, so true man so true. The most uncomfortable moment backpacking is in the morning when you're packing up and your knees first hit the ground when your pad hits bare ground. Man those rocks hurt!!!! As for the cold, it's so important to pack more than you will "need" when it comes to cold. Remember, Heat = water weight. Cold = space taken up in pack by insulating gear. I never skimp out in cold weather, but I also have put myself out there in some stupid cold temps camping on purpose to see what it takes. Dead airspace requires more heat, heat that is hard to generate. You want to be off the ground, or have good separation from the ground. This could mean throwing down a bunch of pine needles below your tent before putting it down. Or laying down an emergency blanket below your pad, and on top of your pad. So lightweight, but very functional. My biggest backpacking tip would be for newbies to remember.. backpacking isn't car camping. Start small and in easy conditions to grow into your abilities rather to dump yourself into a situation you can't handle. Thanks for the video dude


I know keeping up with friends on hikes can drive you into the ground, their and your speed can be just a little or a lot different but just enough to turn a nice hike to a survival march. And falling down I mean sitting down is not the problem, its the getting up. Great content.


That was 5 of the best tips I have seen for beginners! Thank for sharing your knowledge with us.


Great tips, not just for beginning hikers. Loved the concept of East Coast v West Coast videos. It is important to remember that what works in one region, may not work in your own back yard. You had me smiling ear to ear when you said "We have to consider what is in my back yard when I go backpacking and hiking". I thought to myself, I know the answer... a swing set. I pay attention.


Not at all the tips that I expected, far better! Such a great video Steve 👍


I got the ol Iliotibial band syndrome from flying down a few mountains.
Couldnt hike for many months after that even with a band..then boom more injurys. RIP no more hiking now.


Dope Video! Sending blessing your way, Keep inspiring!🎒🙌🏻


Even though I will never get to hike in the West I always enjoy and learn something from your videos. I had to chuckle at learning to sit on the ground, at 76 getting down is no problem it is getting back up. As far as water early on during section hikes i drank a lot of water and even though I used Nuun to replenish electrolytes I was actually depleting copious amounts of salt which causes hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is low sodium in your blood and causes severe leg cramps. I also liked the first segment on cadence. Take Care


Your videos are looking Excellent!!! Very Clean!. Great call on doing 5 tips you don't see in every other tip video. What camera are you filming with?


Hey hey easy on the 60 year olds!!! :) Great tips man.


Not all dirt is friendly! Lol! These were some of the best tips I have ever heard of! Great info bro! Atb Sean


Very interesting topic, really I can relate in all of it. You’re very good at it, you should be doing this kind of stuff more often.
There’s one thing I noticed, I can’t help but put it in my comment. I watched this last night in my desktop and now in my iPhone. Certainly the camera is getting in and out of focus. I don’t know if I’m the only one who noticed this. I’m guessing maybe because of the lightings. But it was a great video indeed.


Great tips for beginner backpackers... I remember the 60 lb packs... no fun.


Being 6'3" myself, I do find it hard, if not awkward to sit on the ground at camp. Then getting back up is another story. I have got to find the lightest backpacking chair, I guess.


Man that was spot on!! Excellent info for everyone including seasoned hikers. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. 👊


Sitting on the ground is a big one and with that, get used to getting your butt wet, it happens :D Great video and great tips!
