Dr. Emma Bragdon | How Spiritists Assist in Brazilian Psychiatric Hospitals

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English-speaking countries rarely recognize psychic abilities within psychiatry, and no expert training to harness such abilities to be of help to others is offered. Brazilian Spiritists recognize and applaud those people who are gifted sensitives. If the sensitive is in spiritual emergency, i.e. having difficulty managing their gifts, Spiritists offer free training and qualified help to stay in balance. This is offered in Spiritist psychiatric hospitals as well as Spiritist Community Centers. Their paradigm of care has been cultivated since the 1860s. This presentation will describe the Spiritist treatments and their paradigm. Emma will describe the extraordinary successes Spiritists have had so we can import some of their wisdom to improve our own healthcare systems.

Emma Bragdon, PhD, is the founder and Executive Director of “Integrative Mental Health for You”, IMHU.org. This organization is dedicated to educating about the full range of effective options to improve mental health without over-reliance on psychiatric medication. IMHU offers 34 courses –mostly online, taught by Emma and other qualified healthcare providers. This unique learning platform also includes training to become a “Spiritual Emergence Coach” and an international Directory of those who have been certified. The coaches offer support to those who are integrating spiritually-transformative experiences.

Emma earned her doctorate at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in 1987. She was licensed as a psychotherapist shortly thereafter.

In the late 1980s two of the foundational books on Spiritual Emergency that she wrote were published. She has been in private practice with a special focus on supporting those in psycho-spiritual crisis since 1988.

From 2001-2012 she studied 6 months of each year in Brazil, learning about Spiritism and guiding sixty groups interested in getting spiritual healing from famous healers in Brazil. During that time she also published 3 books and co-produced two documentary films about Spiritism. She is particularly impressed with how Spiritists can help identify and help people in psycho-spiritual crisis to manage spiritual emergency. Once a year she leads a seminar for healthcare providers on location in Brazil to learn from Spiritist psychiatrists, psychologists and healers.
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Thank you for teaching me a lot and for introducing Spiritism to me. You are wonderful.


I really enjoyed your talk and learned heaps! Thank you
