Short selling & Bearish Setups + Float rotation - Beginners lesson 4 of 8

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More helpful links for aspiring day traders:

Learn How to Become a Better Day Trader
In no way is day trading stocks easy. That said, as a beginner trader, you can learn from the mistakes of others and save a lot of money. At Investors Underground, we teach traders to refine their trading strategies and maximize their potential to make money in the stock market. While this is not a science, we rely on certain principles to add more structure to the seemingly chaotic markets.

Technical Analysis and Chart Reading
We utilize pattern recognition strategies to create high probability trading opportunities. By analyzing stock charts and market data, we can take the emotion out of day trading and increase our odds of making money in the markets. These concepts are discussed in-depth in our educational trading courses.

Definition of Bearish
How do you short
How do borrows work
What is a locate
Nasdaq textbook shorts
Lower Highs
Late Day Fader
What is a squeeze
Parabolic short
Shorting Junk
Float rotation
T+3 & Buyins
Risks and Margin
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I have been researching into the financial markets for around 6 months. Working full time and a parent my nights are usually spent in front of the screen conducting research till 2am. Peter lynch books- to tasteytrade - to forexarmy and now here. I must say I could have save myself 6 months had I found this channel and Investors underground from the start. Every thing you just went through was perfect. Short simple. So happy I found this channel.


Cant wait to start trading. I am in Afghanistan watching every single video that I can get my hands on. I am giving myself to January 1st 2017 and then I plan on opening an account with 5-10 thousand and trying my hand. Very good videos. Thanks


im a kid and my life hanged because of your channel i want to say thank you for th beginner then intermediate then advanced cant wait keep up the great work


Cam and Nate. Absolutely amazing videos. I am only on lesson 4 and have you have answered SO many things I have been extremely confused about since I began my interest in stock trading a few weeks ago. Thank you, thank you! I look extremely forward to the rest of your guys series. Please don't stop teaching!


These Videos are a little old, The content is still amazing!!! While I dont think I'm a beginner there have been a few topics that I have overlooked. Thanks CAM!!


Your making a better case for your classes all the time. I am interested.


Thank you for lesson 4! I am thankful that people like you and Nate exist. People that have proven skills, make their money yet are generous enough to take time away from that process to share and impart their knowledge with others. The definition of a teacher/mentor.


my English not very good and two weeks im starting learning trading. love your video very clean thank you.


Really thankful. I have been researching a  lot and found your lessons a great deal of help to me. I am really taking my time in the Beginning eight lessons and watiching and listening them repeatedly. I want to get clear and move ahead. I don't mind about the time and effort but want to learn. so, I am still in confusion. let me watch more and try to eradicate them all. if not then I will ask you. once again thank you so much for making such a good lessons. God bless you


I always learn something new, in every video you posted .
Thanks Cam
cant wait for the next one.


Thanks for making these videos. Very interesting and informative.


Cam you are an excellent teacher! Much appreciated!!!


Probably the best tutorial video on shorting for a newbie to comprehend on the entire internet. Hopeful that Investors Underground is able to upload the rest of the lessons before year ends.


I love the quality of your teaching... it is extremely pro-begginers. I am looking forward to join IU community very soon. You are an amazing leader


I am so lucky finding these video's, thank you for downloading all the great lessons, I just started, I must become a member, can't afford much but I will get the DVD's. I have so many questions. I will email.


Can your DVD set will help me trading in indian NSE Stock market for Intra-day trading sir ?


Thank you for taking the time to make these videos, I'm learning so much more than I have been, watching others. It's really appreciated!


These lessons are priceless.. Get pumped, and pump them out.. Good job guys!!!!


Been watching your videos for a little time now and your explanation of shorting stocks made so much sense to me. And then I had a laugh because the stock market scene in Trading Places now makes sense to me. Thank you for the videos and helping me understand the market.


Enjoying another video.  This video 4 is still a tricky concept to understand with "shorting" dynamics and will review this video again I am sure, as I continue to view the remaining lessons.
