Method Overloading in C# | Method Overloading in CSharp with Examples

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Method Overloading in C# with Examples
In this video, I am going to discuss Method Overloading in C# and what is the use of method overloading in our application development with Examples. At the end of this article, you will have a very good understanding of the following pointers related to Method Overloading.
1. What is Method Overloading in C#?
2. When should we Overload Methods?
3. What are the advantages of using Method Overloading in C#?
4. When is a method Considered an overloaded method?
5. What is Inheritance-Based Method Overloading?
6. Real-Time Scenarios where you need to use Method Overloading?
7. What is Constructor Overloading in C#?
8. Real-Time Example Logging using Method Overloading in C#?

What is Method Overloading or Function Overloading in C#?
Method Overloading means it is an approach to defining multiple methods under the class with a single name. So, we can define more than one method with the same name in a class. But the point is that you need to remember the parameters of all those methods should be different (different in terms of number, type, and order of the parameters).

So, if we are defining multiple methods with the same name but with a different signature in a class or in the Parent and Child Classes, then it is called Method Overloading in C#. That means C#.NET not only allows method overloading in the same class but also allows method overloading in Parent and Child classes. So, we can create a method in the Derived/Child class with the same name as the method name defined in the Base/Parent class in C# with different parameters.

In simple words, we can say that the Method Overloading in C# allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but with a different signature. The functions or methods can be overloaded based on the number, type (int, float, etc), and order of parameters.

When is a method considered an overloaded method in C#?
If two methods have the same method name but with different signatures, then those methods are considered overloaded methods. Then the rule we should check is both methods must have different parameter Types/Numbers/Orders. But there is no rule on return type, access specifier and access modifier mean overloading methods can have their own return type (void, float, int, string, etc), own access specifier (public, private, protected, internal, etc.), and access modifier (sealed, static, virtual, etc.) because overloading methods are different methods.

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Method Overloading in C#
Method Overloading in C# with Examples
Method Overloading in CSharp
Method Overloading in CSharp with Examples
C# Method Overloading
C# Method Overloading Examples
CSharp Method Overloading
CSharp Method Overloading Examples
Method Overloading in C#
Method Overloading in CSharp
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In this video, I am going to discuss Method Overloading in C# and what is the use of method overloading in our application development with Examples. Please watch the video and give your valuable feedback.
