Andrew Klavan admonishes the anti-Trump elites for flying into hysterics over every Trump policy, and explains why Trump's record is proving him trustworthy.
Thank you! I realized today that I had to trust Trump. I have no doubt that he wants America to really win. What citizen wouldn't want that?
These are our allies, not our friends. Allies are merely on the same coin, with rivalry being on the other side. Not quite enemies, so we ought not let the talks burn bridges, but we ought to be tough in negotiations. Everyone should state with passion what their nations are in need of, and let compromise and discourse take place.
I'm about to be 18 in month and I've been saying since 2016 I think Trump is alot more cut out for this than anyone thought
I remember when everyone on the left said that trump was going to get us nuked😂. Now he’s the first president to meet a North Korean leader. Love it
I hope that this is a shift in paradigms. Less expectations of 20 years in law, more expectations of 20 years as a highly successful business owner. You want spin? Elect lawyers. That's what they do. You want results? Elect successful businessmen. That's what they do.
i loved the G7 picture where merkel is leaning over the table trying to look intimidating and trump is sitting there with the look of "lol, GTFO with that wanna-be tough guy shit, i ain't got time for this, i gotta go end the korean war in 8 hours"
President Trump has a plan, but it is not a rigid plan. He has always been able to improvise in his businesses if things don't go exactly according to plan.
He is an American to the bone.
We dare say there's an almost shocking undercurrent of genius to Trump.
Now, Bro, you need to tell this to Ben Shapiro!
As a European, I didn't feel insulted. Our politicians might think they are us (or Europe), but be real. They're just a bunch of freaks among others on the continent. Trump just treated them as important as they really are. (Also, Canada is not Europe. PLEASE KEEP IT!)
Notice, in the photo of Trump at the G7, Abe doesn't look too happy with the
Communists, either. The caption should read, "Europe admits it can't compete."
Despite protests to the contrary Trump is now a politician... I don't trust any politician. Both sides goal appears to be division to prevent a united citizenry from demanding change.
It'll never happen but I'd love to see the feds rolled back to their constitutional charter with states and organizations handling social issues. After the debt is paid, repeal the 16th Amendment and give that money back to the people.
The thumbnail looks like Kleyven is trying a jedi mind trick on us lol
He didn't stand up for you, he sat down moping like a spoiled little brat.
Trump, the best thing that ever happened to USA!
Great work from Andrew here, but we shouldn't let all the bitching and cuckery of former Never-Trumpers like Beck, Shapiro and the rest at Daily Wire during the 2016 Election be forgotten.
If Kim betrays the deal and Trump continues to kiss his ass THEN we can criticize him but are you really going to complain about Trump improving NK and preventing WW3 cause of his choice of words?
Good lord don't let Never Trumper Ben see this video he'll probably lose it. His anti-Trump bashing as of late would make Keith Olbermann blush. I guess he has to make sure he gets back on CNN
Am I the only one who gets really tense when Klavan gets all hyper wheezy and laughs at his own jokes. Calm down dude or you'll get a heart attack.
Am I the only one who has come to the decision that