We're looking for the next generation of environmental leaders. Is that you?

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The Young Talent Pipeline is a talent initiative of UNEP in partnership with UN Volunteers that is open to people aged between 27 to 33 with a minimum of three years of work experience in specialized areas.

From water specialists helping to restore ecosystems, mobility specialists decarbonizing transport systems to critical mineral experts working on the energy transition, we want to give the next generation of environmental leaders the opportunity to work alongside some of the best environmental voices to shape the future of their respective fields.

Рекомендации по теме

couldnt get the option for application, and couldn't find it on UNV platform


Lastima que está organización promueva la descriminacion por edades, tal como se puede apreciar el el programa de voluntarios para aportarle al medio ambiente. No comprendo que sentido tiene alardear de bondadosos y responsables con el medio ambiente cuando subestiman a las personas adulto mayor y les niegan la posibilidad de aportar como voluntarios ... Mel mensaje ... 😖✨😖


Limiting yourselves with the age restriction but nonetheless cute.
