Did you know there are 2 types of Buckeye Trees in Ohio? Ohio Forester Casey Burdick tells us about both and how to grow your own Buckeye Tree from seed.
Video helped more then you realize we actually have one of these in our backyard
Does anybody know how long Buckeye nuts are viable for? I have some older ones that I was thinking of planting. Sincerely, a Buckeye in Colorado. :)
I live in the city and I swear the buckeye tree in our neighborhood is the first to get fall color.
What are the nuts good for? What can you do with them besides feed the squirrels? I just picked up a whole bucket of them and still have 70% of the tree left
I found a germinated seed on a walk and planted it indoors hopefully I get a house in next 2-3 years so I can keep it
Im from Boston and we have Buckeye trees. I'm going to grow them in my home then plant them in the reservation down the street.
Last year I found buckets of seeds, this year I found two.