The Heist of the Century? - burncycle Review

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I haven't laughed so hard in a long time hearing "Mathew Lees and his big bowl of soup are miles away from your table". Thank you so much for this <3


I’m really surprised chip theory games doesn’t make smaller games, as I could see a company like this doing really well if you could take it to the pub and pull it out of your pocket. There’s probably lots of fun small games you could make out of a few cards and some poker chips.


“Ominous Matt” when he’s hovering his hand over the applause button is my favorite Matt since sandworm Matt. That facial expression and body language killed me.


Worth a note that Burncycle doesn't really want you to choose randomly. You should be random, maybe, for your first few games, to see the various bots and corps and captains, but it fully intends for you to choose a random corp and captain, then carefully select your bots to meet that challenge.


Plastic peg coming out of a tiny hole on a neoprene mat has got to be the worst made-up tactile sensation I have ever imagined to myself.


My partner tested positive for covid yesterday so I slept on my living room couch trying to isolate myself. In my loneliness I binged a ton of SU&SD videos. Thanks so much to the team for providing fantastic media to keep us sane in tumultuous times :)


To be clear, you ARE able to choose your mission and then choose your bots, mentioned at the top of their respective sections in the Learn to Play. You can absolutely choose your bots to try and best suit the mission, or you can always stay true to the ones that speak to you or look fun.

"Select any mission card you would like to play, or choose one at random."

"All players may go through the bot cards (looking at their agent side) and freely choose which agent they would like to play. Players may choose their agents in any order and may confer with each other to create a team that will work well together for the chosen mission."


This game feels like it really needs a fan-generated list of "here are the combinations of scenarios which work best." Perhaps with some difficulty rating attached to each, but still giving a relatively narrow list of recommended combinations.


You joke, but in the when the ice caps melt and the ocean floods and we're all clinging to existence in the rusting, floating hulk of an oil tanker and it comes time to decide our new war chieftain to lead us in battle with the dolphin mutants, you'll be grateful we have mediocre waterproof boardgames to settle such conflicts instead of bloodshed. Which ironically would also be able to be washed off the board pieces.


I must say I was luke warm on Brewster when he first splashed into SUSD but I have to say I look forward to his reviews and presence in your content. He seriously embodies the core beginnings of SUSD and nails every joke. I'm flabbergasted at how great SUSD has gotten with all the new additions of staff. SUSD has a a great eye for for what makes its content great and am certainly happy to have found them. Cheers!


On 14 July 2021, there was a flash flood here in Ahrweiler, Germany, due to unusual high rainfall. A normally rather small river rose up by more than 7m overnight. Some houses got flooded up to the 2nd floor, some got washed away completely. More than 130 people died in a single night.
One man recovered his Too many Bones collection from his flooded game room.
I gave him my cardboard boxes of the games, as that were the only component not water proof.
I think that game will always be special to him as it was the only game that survived the flood.
And yet, I am pretty sure he would give everything to live in a world with less disasters.


The end 30 seconds was one of the best things I have ever seen and legitimately made me laugh out loud and then continue to chuckle to myself...


I'm a bit of a neat-freak when it comes to board games, but in honour of Matt I'm going to play my next Quacks game with a big bowl of soup in the centre. Maybe I'll have a blind bag of croutons to occasionally throw in.


Quick note on mechanics. With the exception of the top floor Captain, security units inside rooms do not move unless triggered to do so, e.g. becoming aware of a bot inside the room with them, or being closest to an awareness chip outside of the room. Given the complexity of their movement, this change alone will save you a lot of time and headache.


So, regarding plastics -- board games, imo, are one of the best candidates for using plastic materials. It's an expensive purchase that you're going to be using dozens or maybe even hundreds of times, it gets handled a lot, used around foodstuffs and drinks...Accidents do happen. Sometimes it's a little wipe off as Matt mentioned, but other times cards and boards can be ruined. (I've had components ruined by drink spills before).

I understand wanting to be environmentally conscious -- it's admirable and should be encouraged...but this isn't a single use plastic. It's not a water bottle that you're going to drink out of once and throw it away. It's something that is going to be in your collection for years, maybe even generations. I would want to protect that kind of investment, make sure it's resilient. I'd feel a *lot* better about buying an all plastic board game second hand than I would be buying a cardboard game second hand.

I loved the review and I appreciate that SUSD isn't timid on criticizing unfriendly environmental practices...but this particular criticism seems unfairly placed and not well thought out. Plastics aren't evil -- the ways we use them should be smart. I think board games are a smart way to use them.


Part of the game, for me, is the setup. Pick your mission and captain randomly, sure, but then strategically choose your bots to best solve that mission's puzzle. So I dunno that I've run into the "random generator issue" that you speak of.
I do agree that this is a 1-2 player game. No more.
I quite enjoy it, but would recommend TMB or Cloudspire over it, probably.


At 13:50, when Tom says Burgle Bros. Is less replayable than Burncycle, I wholeheartedly disagree. There’s a misconception with current games, ESPECIALLY with the kickstarter crowd, that variability = replayability. This is the lie that current games sell you to sell you more content. Good gameplay will always be played more often than variability. I’ve played Pax Pamir, Carcassone, Galaxy Trucker, Food Chain Magnate, Burgle Bros. etc. all well over 30 times each, which have little to no variability and loved every second of those games, but I’ve played my all in pledge of Final Girl 3 times (I really forced myself to play it that 3rd time). More content does not make a game better. I’ve found, if a game relies on variability as a hook, it’s going to be a bad game.


You give that man a drink on the job and press the applause button this instant!


I'm not interested in this game but their writing is great so I'm not complaining.


We're yet another step closer to the Board Gamers: Endgame crossover we all want.
