President Obama unveils his new equal pay plan

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On the anniversary of signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act, President Obama announces his new plan to help ensure equal pay.

Wow. This is pretty disgusting. Nice job America.


there is no gender pay gap it's an earnings gap because men and women don't have the same jobs


Obama, you must have given up at this point. There is no way you're actually trying anymore.


I don't see how this is even legal.


If performances are unequal why should pays be equal.
equal pay for unequal performance is injustice & unfairness


It is the right of any business to pay anyone male or female how much they choose. It may be unfair but it is still a right.


think we all should get equal pay. we all should get the same pay check as bill gates


How many competent and educated people need to debunk this!?


The talent will just work for companies with less than 100 employees.


Men on average work more hours (as well as more dangerous jobs) than women do. Also, women on average tend to not work full time as much as much as men do. It isn't because of your gender that you might be getting payed less, it's simply because of how long you think about it, if women truly were payed less, why wouldn't employers be trying to employ as many women as possible? That way they would save a lot more since they'd be paying their employees less....that makes sense from a business perspective, but that is not the case. And of course women would rather ignore these FACTS so that they can continue to play their victim role and blame all of their problems / everything on men or the "patriarchy".


pay data on 100 ee or more ???? hmmmm more of his nose WHERE IT DOESNT BELONG!!!


Eddie Vedder is one of rock ‘n’ roll’s most insightful and poetic vocalist, but his lyrics aren’t always direct. Pearl Jam’s “Yellow Ledbetter” is not just one of his most cryptic songs, but one of the most ambiguous songs in rock.

Famous for its mostly indecipherable lyrics, “Ledbetter” reveals its meaning mostly in the refrain commonly perceived as “I don’t know whether I was the boxer or the bag.” This line simply suggests a conflicted man, but it was at a 2003 concert at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield (then known as the Tweeter Center) on July 11, 2003 that Vedder sang the lyric as “I think of him when I go to bed, and he’s coming home in a box or a bag.”

This strongly implies that the song was about a man receiving a letter about his brother dying in a war. It was just three days earlier at Madison Square Garden that Vedder sang “I don’t know whether my brother will be coming home in a box or a bag.”

It’s widely known that Vedder modified the lyrics for live versions of the song, so it’s unclear whether this was the meaning all along or if it changed over time. But it’s now commonly accepted that “Ledbetter” is a strong anti-war song about the pain of losing a loved one in a war, with their soul reduced to a letter and a coffin. or a body bag.

What do you think is the true meaning behind “Yellow Ledbetter”?


Is this gonna create more government jobs to do the investigations to determine whatever your real goal is?


Apparently Job Applications don't come across an employer's desk do they? You know, the same apps that ask if you're a male or female? The same apps in which an employer could slip you app in the delete folder/trash can? Yeah, it's not gonna work. They can still choose to not hire women at all without even telling the women that they won't be hired because they're a female. I know me personally that if women were being paid less than men, I'd hire strictly younger women with minimal experience to work as my employees to save myself money. Not to mention, I though for sure that businesses can't pay their employees anything less than $7.25/hr. So where's this pay gap again?


I haven't figured it all out yet, but this will result in more fascism, less control for you as individuals, and more control in the hands of government or big corporations, and you can bet more money for government and big corporations as well as less for your working class.


What is this fascist saying. Just because 2 people do the same job doesn't mean they get the same pay.


Obama is a great leader. he is also right on the rhetoric that republicans used last night.even though they had their best debate, they shouldn't degrade a culture in that manner by using term like the ones reps like to use. respect and equality for all.


ok so from what i'm seeing even if you don't want ot work hard you will get a fair rage also if you're not qualified for ajob we'll get you that job only because of you're race/ethcnity. that is what racism is! and yet this president is trying to say it's equal oppertunity!!


Let me prove my point real easy. Hey Equal pay supporters!!! Comment to me explaining why YOU get paid less than your male coworker. Because, I get paid more than mine. Ok, GO!


Right right after Paul wants to offer equal pay without vote moocher incentive this clown pops up and does that.
He truly is a sad copy cat, how original.
