Newton buteraba house 🏡 of wealth. Topic is. Quote from Ludwick Bon. @thewordofwisdom2013 #how

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@thewordofwisdom2013 lectures from professor Newton buteraba of house 🏡 of wealth analysing about the quote from Ludwick Bon
:- 🔷 " There are people who are stingy with their mind like others with their money"

Qn is. 1. When did you last think on ⬆️se your in flows!

2. When did you last think on how ⬇️se on your expenses and stay in your means.?

🔷 Knowing what you know now is this the right time to do what you're doing?

Thanks for watching the podcasts of professor Newton buteraba of house 🏡 of wealth. For all unique ideas about money and business #subscribe @thewordofwisdom2013 #how #houseofwealth #newtonbuteraba Aim is #financiallyindependentugandan
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