More Arduino and TM1638 testing

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I'm starting to build up a very basic Arduino library for this cute TM1638 display board. There are multiple libraries out there already but I wanted to learn how this thing actually functions at a low level. The documentation isn't great but I managed work out all of the features including reading the weird button matrix. Oh and did I mention this also my first proper Arduino project?

Another goal in making my own library is keeping the code as minimal as possible. I intend to use this module or one like it in the next iteration of my 6502 tester using an ATtiny13a microcontroller to drive the display and a few shift registers to help it read the address and data buses of the CPU. With any luck, I'll be able to use the microcontroller to drive the execution of the CPU itself. It will be a much more sleek design. This little board is awesome.
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