Learning melodic phrase tips was not so easy before watching this lesson. The way tips explained in this lesson really deserves an appreciation. bablibasuroy
Learning melodic phrase tips was not so easy before watching this lesson. The way tips explained in this lesson really deserves an appreciation.
The tips provided related to Melodic Phrasing is really awesome. I am able to learn many good tricks after walking through this lesson. allanbob
The tips provided related to Melodic Phrasing is really awesome. I am able to learn many good tricks after walking through this lesson.
wow awesome lesson provided in this video awesome playing guitar ketanp
wow awesome lesson provided in this video awesome playing guitar
This reminds me of the great Gary Moore's approach to building a solo. kingsxkids
This reminds me of the great Gary Moore's approach to building a solo.
Ugh, I can play technical stuff pretty well but my phrasing is terrible and repetitious. Damn this guy can play though... I need practice. Krondelo
Ugh, I can play technical stuff pretty well but my phrasing is terrible and repetitious. Damn this guy can play though... I need practice.