Great sleeper/ never would have thought/ I remember these still running all over town in the 70's and 80's raystarky
Great sleeper/ never would have thought/ I remember these still running all over town in the 70's and 80's
Turdburban, I didn't figure it out until Turdburban smoked him at the line. normal
Turdburban, I didn't figure it out until Turdburban smoked him at the line.
ET ? A drag race is 100% useless without it! trailerparkcryptoking
ET ? A drag race is 100% useless without it!
I'll take the bracket car any day. DS-ss
I'll take the bracket car any day.
Turbo suburban probably makes 1200wheel and Camaro is all motor street car. maximusvonce
Turbo suburban probably makes 1200wheel and Camaro is all motor street car.