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In chess, the Dragon Variation is one of the main lines of the Sicilian Defence and begins with the moves:
1. e4 c52. Nf3 d63. d4 cxd44. Nxd4 Nf65. Nc3 g6
In the Dragon, Black fianchettoes their bishop on g7, castling on the king's side while aiming the bishop at the center and queenside. In one of the most popular and theoretically important lines, the Yugoslav Variation, White meets Black's setup with Be3, Qd2 and Bh6, exchanging off the Dragon bishop, followed by launching a kingsidepawn storm with h4–h5 and g4. To involve the a1-rook in the attack, White usually castles queenside, placing the white king on the semi-open c-file. The result is often both sides attacking the other's king with all available resources. The line is considered one of the sharpestchess openings.
1. e4 c52. Nf3 d63. d4 cxd44. Nxd4 Nf65. Nc3 g6
In the Dragon, Black fianchettoes their bishop on g7, castling on the king's side while aiming the bishop at the center and queenside. In one of the most popular and theoretically important lines, the Yugoslav Variation, White meets Black's setup with Be3, Qd2 and Bh6, exchanging off the Dragon bishop, followed by launching a kingsidepawn storm with h4–h5 and g4. To involve the a1-rook in the attack, White usually castles queenside, placing the white king on the semi-open c-file. The result is often both sides attacking the other's king with all available resources. The line is considered one of the sharpestchess openings.