Think Before You Dox

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This video looks at Think Before You Sleep's role in Illymation's doxxing. We also cover deplatforming, fatphobia, and anti-woke online politics. And maybe some other stufffff

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I genuinely can’t take anyone who uses “woke” as a criticism seriously anymore.


so at worst, him and his followers think she’s saying to eat whatever you want? and that’s reason enough to dox her home address and send her death threats? wild


No wonder he cut out her talking about diabetic and dietary restrictions. If he'd kept it in him and all his little friends would have had literally no argument. 😐


I’ve been avoiding this video in fear of it being another “Illy is telling people to get fat!” video. Genuinely thank you for literally being anything but that orz

It has been WILD seeing people genuinely believing that Illy was just as much in the wrong as Shawn. Genuinely this video is a breath of fresh air.


They call us snowflakes and then start crying and raging over an animation youtuber just because she said you can eat what you want to eat


The phrase ‘think before you sleep’ makes it sound like we should stay woke, no? 🤨


Illy is one of the most underserving creators of harassment ever. In the few years of her being on this platform, you can just see her build up a nice and cozy life after being in abusive relationships, difficult situations, ect.


As a black person who grew up around my uncles and other politically aware people in my MAJORITY BLACK area. It is genuinely sad to see how these people have absolutely destroyed what the word "Woke" means. Woke means and always has meant to be aware of social injustices towards minority and oppressed people, specifically black people. To keep framing "woke" as a bad thing is by definition saying "I don't like minorities, especially black people and their issues either don't exist or they should just stop talking about it". But they can't say that because that's obviously RACIST. So instead they've completely butchered the phrase.


quite frankly even if “promoting obesity” was a thing, that still doesn’t warrant harassment nor a doxxing lol


god that whole manosphere culture of bullying women what to do just lobotomizes me


Hey Fun Fact to any fans reading the comments: Illymations was actually doxxed long before TBYS even made his first video on her, and it was by a bunch of not-sees (not saying the actual word in case it is filtered out) because she was Jewish. So don't you think it could be the same group of people doxxing her AGAIN and just using the TBYS video as a cover or a "more justified" reason to dox her (in quotations because there is no justification for doxxing)? And like once your dox is out there, its kinda just out there. I feel like if you've been doxxed in the past as well, then it is more likely if you are doxxed again that it is done by the same group of people. That is what makes the most sense to me. Point is I don't actually think these people doxxed her because of this drama with TBYS, I feel like it is more likely these people who already were already against her are using this drama as a shield and excuse to now dox her again and gain traction with it


This fat acceptance is what ALLOWED me to lose weight and live a healthier life style. When I was scared of food, I would go on the extreme, losing a ton of weight and then.. immediately gaining it back. When I wasn't afraid of food, I would eat that Mac and cheese, have a cookie, or do something that gave me the motivation to continue eating healthier.


I will never take anyone who unironically calls themselves "anti-woke" at face value because they usually don't present the full story


I saw a guy distorting this case and saying that she called him "incel" or something, but now I see how disgusting his lies fall to the ground along with his allegations. Especially when I saw the "anti-woke guy" literally making her look like a "manipulator" on his 3 videos. Now if you report a bully harassing me on the internet, I become a manipulator????


Came to check that the comments section for this video would be an uninformed cesspit, was not disapointed.


Why do these guys always sound like the rival from Dexter's Lab?


im surprised so many people got so worked up about a single cartoon they didn't watch.


Isn't it so interesting how he clipped her out of context, and his viewers proceeded to blindly accept it? Confirmation bias is wild.


This is absolutely disgusting..
I remember seeing so many videos of "ilymation exposed" about the subject but something didn't feel right. It didn't sit right with me how someone like her was suddenly "bad" because of talking about her own experiences. I hope EVERY SINGLE ONE of those youtubers that made those videos apologizes to Illymation.


The worst part about it is most dieticians I've seen will often tell you not to see food as "good or bad" but "fuel your body needs"
legit every dietician on social media will tell you
