The Fall of Kerry Von Erich | DARK SIDE OF THE RING

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At the height of his fame as the Texas Tornado, Kerry Von Erich's greatest battles were outside of the ring.

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I liked Cornette's comments. Honest assessment of a tragic situation.


I was very touched and inspired by Kevin's bravery and courage. I teared up several times while watching this documentary. However, while it was concluding, I was inspired by Kevin's heart, will, and humility. Thank you Kevin. I respect you immensely.


Bret Hart, in his autobiography, said that Kerry told him that he wanted to join his late brothers (David, Chris, and Mike had already died by this point--they had another brother, Jack, who had died when he was a kid) and Bret urged him to think of his own children. He said that Kerry let him think that he'd changed his minds, but he hadn't--Bret said that when he and Owen (Bret's own brother--who would tragically die in 1999) got the news, neither of them were shocked...


I used to have 5 brothers...Now I'm not even a Brother - Kevin Von Erich

And when he said he was glad when Fritz died...

Whether you believe in the curse stuff is irrelevant, that is so heartbreaking...

We've all suffered loss, we've all had to grieve at point or other, but what that man has gone through is a tale of ultimate survival


It Takes More Courage to Live Than It Does to Die"
- Kevin Von Erich


What a heavy episode. Deeply moving. Seeing Kevin at the end talk about making it through those years and years of heartbreak made me think about how no matter how bad things might feel, it will always be worth pushing through to the other side.


The Von Erichs are Texas Wrestling Royalty.


I've heard the Von Erich story told so many times, from so many different perspectives. Still tugs at the heart strings nonetheless. Can't even fathom how Kevin came out of all that heartbreak and tragedy to be at peace like he is. It still definitely affects him but it was great seeing him with his two sons and grandchildren.


I’m surprised someone hasn’t made a movie about the Von Erichs. Although, I’m sure Kevin wouldn’t want to relive all those painful memories.


Kerry Von Erich was an outstanding pro wrestler, and he came into the WWE at the "right time" in mid-1990.  He had a natural charisma, and WWE fans took to him as rapidly as his WCCW fans had.  His most memorable WWE feud was with Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig.  Von Erich and Hennig were each second generation wrestlers who were close in age, size, and athleticism.  They had many great matches together.


You'd think he was crazy at first glance but look closer into the story and you can tell by watching this that Kevin is just scarred from all that. He's lucky to be alive


NO ONE but no one conveys a point, an idea, like Jim Cornette. His clips in this were spot on and really drew me into the story. This was a tragedy all around. I remember watching Kerry back in the 80's, just an amazing athlete and talent.


In the early 80s the Von Erichs where in many ways bigger then the Cowboys in Dallas


Dark side of Ring has had some good shows so far and I liked every one of them...👍👍👍👍


Kerry Von Erich was one of favourite superstars back in the day such a shame R.I.P


There was a story I heard some years back from Ric Flair. Ric was set to defend the NWA World Title against Kerry in Texas, it was supposed to be a rough and bloody match and Kerry had a little razor sliver in the tape on one of his fingers (a practice called Blading) which he would run across his or Rics forehead when the time was right, making just enough blood to make it look ugly. Anyway, Ric and Kerry got into the ring and stood in the center getting the instructions from the referee when Kerry began absentmindedly scratching an itch on his arm, Ric saw this and then saw a trickle of blood, Kerry was scratching himself with his bladed finger but was so stoned he didn't even feel it. Ric and ref, who also saw it, looked at each other and mouthed "Oh shit!" and had no choice but to pull an audible. Ref rang the bell to start the match and Flair went into shoot mode, grabbing Kerry and quickly rolling him up while the ref did one of the fastest three-counts in history, after which they got Kerry the hell out of there while the fans were still going "What happened?". The fans were outraged of course but everyone got to the back safe with nobody at ringside knowing what was really going on.


Truly blows my mind that Kevin is still here. If i suffered the loss he has i dont know id even deal with it. Hes a very mentally strong person.


Kevin was really nice when I met him a few years ago


My very favourite wrestler. The Modern Day Warrior. Rest in Peace, my childhood heroe! will never forget the moment 27, August, 1990 when Kerry won IC Championship Belt


As a fan of pro wrestling in the 1980's in Canada, I didn't get to see a whole lot of Von Erich matches but always read about them in the pro-wrestling magazines and the odd wrestling tape that I traded with friends. I've watched quite a few documentaries and watched matches I can find now on YouTube but this show was on a different level. Kevin seems completely at peace and has an almost zen like quality when he's dealt with so much tragedy that would have shattered so many other people. Well done Viceland!
