Sufism - An Introduction To Its Meaning and Purpose

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Over the past few decades a large amount of the Western public’s attention has been drawn to Islam in the form of fundamentalist belief and practice. This movement, and its effects on the Muslim community and Middle Eastern societies in particular, has proved nothing short of disastrous for many. But what is largely unknown to most is the inner tradition, wisdom and philosophy known as Sufism; what some consider to be the ‘mystical’ dimension of Islam. Through the poems of Rumi, the writings of Ibn Arabi, and analysis by academics like Prof. William C. Chittick we come to learn that Sufism - as it was inspired and conceived - laid out a cosmology for individuals that sought to help individuals grow ‘spirituality’ through the rigorous use of their minds.

This week on MindMatters we discuss several ideas central to Sufism: the nature and value of ‘transmitted’ knowledge - compared to direct knowledge and understanding, the striving towards perfection of man’s inner nature, and the process of nothing less than coming closer to God; knowing one’s self in order to know God, and vice versa. Along these lines we also look at some correspondences with Gurdjieff's philosophy and methods for working on the self. Far from being a mere footnote in religious and philosophical thought, Sufism couldn’t be more relevant to a world that has effectively moved away from God and away from one’s own relationship to the higher order of the Universe.


even knowing
such richness
is Heartwarming

Lovely work


I think I would prefer the background wall with no pictures. It is a distraction. Great talks. Please also provide the reading list in the description.


Ibn Arabi's metaphysics is termed "Wahdat al Wujud." It means the Unity of Existence. In Sufi parlance, we often refer to this tradition as "Wujudiyya" or "Akbariyya, " both of which are synonyms for Non-Duality.


Excellent discussion Gentlemen. I think this goes right in line with the thought existence and non-existence exercise. Safe to say we tip the scale towards existence, and not stuck on the thought of non-existence as real or just the thought itself. This matters, since probably, if we go into adamic, most of 'them' are atheists or too blind to step beyond death and the thought of non-existence. you can through all the people not awaken to their own self work or spiritual work for that matter.


God approves of this episode and thinks that it's utterly awesome! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


Loved it as well. While waiting for your next discussion on Sufism, some of you may enjoy listening to the music of Snatam Kaur. com .


"There is none else besides Him" (Her) - Baal HaSoulam


53:23 Safer to simply say . . . "there is no god but god."